CDPR Roasted By Bethesda?! Rockstar CEO Kills Red Dead Hope, TES VI Concern, Blizzard Woke Disaster

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47 thoughts on “CDPR Roasted By Bethesda?! Rockstar CEO Kills Red Dead Hope, TES VI Concern, Blizzard Woke Disaster”

  1. They invested years and likely thousands of dollars into that damn chart and I just want to be able to use character creators in games and have nappy hair and bigger lips without literally having to make a clown character. It's not this complicated.

  2. I have to agree with CD project Red, a re imagining of Cyberpunk 2077 is cute, but its unfortunately not realistic compared to the real full game with all of the systems and complicated programming attached.

    But the game needs to constant updates and improvements.

    People need to stop being so horny and thinking Unreal Engine 5 can solve anything.

  3. I'd probably score like… a 6 on their chart for being short and disabled (but probably not disabled enough for them) and also needing glasses. But I guess since I'm white and slender I can't be a Blizzard character after all 🙁

  4. The content creators I follow basically make a living from memeing cyberpunk. They do comparison videos shwocasing the physics and Ai of cyberpunk sv other open world games released this decade like GTA 5, Red dead redemption 2, even mobile games etc, cyberpunk gets humiliated every time. The funniest video I saw was cyberpunk vs lego city, spoiler: lego city has better physics and Ai than cyberpunk 😂. If I was a developer, I would pay the publisher or take a pay cut to not have my name associated with cyberpunk as it could affect future job prospects.

  5. For me what would make cyberpunk better is more romance options for male v,new game plus and dlc that takes u to new cities based on whoever u side with at the end of the game with loads of new content and a possible second ending that determines if u can fully cure v which lets u go between both cities or u die fully which then youd start a new playthrough or go into new game plus if they added it

  6. Their logic may be because people want more realism, they wanted to make games as accurate as the real world, but AAA need to focus more on releasing games and not half finished, buggy garbage, and treat staff with more respect!!

  7. "holy shit Blizzard how did you know that most gamers absolutely refuse to play a game that does not feature a black transgender fat ulgy character that sexualy identifies as a specific type of corn" seriously who even cares about "diversity" in games, I mean I usually look at the story, setting, gameplay and if it seems like something I would enjoy. Gonna go out on a ledge and assume that most gamers pick passed on their own criteria and that how diverse it is not a factor.

  8. Gotham Knights looks like Fortnite, mixed with a bunch of other games I don't like.
    "Rare" and "Heroic" gear 🤢 This game is going to have microtransactions out the ass.
    I'll stick with the Arkham games thanks.

  9. When talking about representation why do they always over-represent. Why not say make it statistically accurate if they really insist on this inclusion. If 2% of all people are disabled then represent that in your npcs in your game, if 10% of people are gay then stick with that number for how often a gay character should be written in. It’s honestly not hard but this over representation just feels suffocating and forced.

  10. It is wrong to not want to play a game made or owned by a corporation?
    I mean whatever game these behemoths produce clearly is made for PROFIT and PROFIT alone!

    No one buys entire game dev studios, franchises and IPs just to play around and create superb works of art for all players to enjoy. Let's be real here. They are doing this for one reason and one reason alone: PROFIT!

    And if that's the case, what makes us, the players? It makes us "consumers of corporate goods and services" targeted by a complex marketing team and profit enhancing "strategists". On short, it makes us the "suckers".

    And I for one I am sick of being a corporate sucker, I mean "consumer".

  11. Screw Rockstar Games. I'm playing other games until they actually step the hell up. That company is a shell of what it once was and they clearly don't give a damn about the players. As Angry Joe likes to put it: "Shuddup, GIMME MONEY!" That is Rockstar in the 2020's. Luckily, there's no lack of fun games out there, Rockstar & Take-Two are arrogant enough to think they're the only game in town… couldn't be farther from the truth.

  12. If it wasn't bad enough that they are already race swapping a character in God of War, I'm sure by the time it comes out Kratos will be a trans woman in a wheelchair and will be 350 pounds and have Ricketts and his son will be non binary with crutches. If game companies want to make crap like that make a new game series with new characters. Stop messing with already established characters or characters based on historical times or mythology. I'd be just as pissed if they made a black or brown character white (of course that would never actually happen! Nor should it.) Leave all that out of our already established games series. Make something new and see how well it sells. I mean look what they've done to the new Saints Row. You're supposed to be playing a game about being a hard-core gangster but the characters look like coffee shop hipster douchebags. Even if the gameplay looks good how am I supposed to go through a whole game if the characters are insufferable and completely kill any semblance of being a gangster?!!! I doubt the game will even be funny like the previous games because they're sooo scared of hurting anyone's feelings. I'm just not all that excited for the future of gaming if this is how its gonna go. They've already ruined film and TV with this crap and now games are next.

  13. How do you know you go the wrong way at inclusivity?

    WHEN FREAKING DISABLED PEOPLE LIKE MYSELF (and of course other people included in this tool too) CAN DO NOTHING BUT LAUGH AT THIS SHIT!!!

  14. Saddest part is that most anyone not into games, comics, movies, or memes will believe the woke signals until you show them how bad wokeism is and the cultural destruction it's caused.

  15. The lady talking about diversity in Mario really looks unconfident and clearly doesn’t want to be up there talking about that crap, I don’t blame her. She’s barely looking at the audience. She knows it’s stupid. 😂

  16. Fuck Ms, same company that doesn’t even trust there own os. They use custom Linux for their cloud and servers. Same company that spend 70 billion dollars, cus too lazy to invest in new games or devs that need money. I loved Xbox 360 days. Hate the direction ms has continued to go and bully push bloated windows down our throats while cancel games and other stuff. Fable dead, gears of war, dying ,mine craft? Dying. Scale bound, killed off. Skype, killed off. The list goes on and on. I fear MS will do same thing to battle-net games. Grew up on warcraft,starcraft,Diablo and wow over the years. And sure Bobby K needed be fired and somebody else take over to clean house. But Phill and MS are NOT the answer imo. I think starfield is still using broken buggy game engine from fallout 3-4 days. Creation engine is shit compared UE5 or even unity new game engine.

    Imo steam os/steam deck and future hardware from Valvle is prob where PC gaming is going. Linux and Vulkan are the future imo.

  17. Knowing Deus Ex is finally free from Square Enix…. OH THANK THE GAMING GODS!

    I was shouting from the heavens when I saw that news, Sony can have Square Enix now that they only give q shit about Final Fantasy.

  18. My Problem with the Acti-Bliz Diversity tool is that the values are entirely based on where you live, your culture, upbringing and world view.

    For Example a Game-Dev using this to diversify their game from India, Asia, Africa will have quite different point allocations on Race, Age, Body-type, Beauty and Culture.

    Ana is shown here with 3/4 "diversity tokens" in Race and Culture, would it have been used in Egypt she would score a 0 in those Categories.

  19. Red dead would actually have a bigger player base if they actually updated the game! It’s one of the best looking games I’ve ever seen and has so much potential. Very very disappointing from rockstar.


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