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★ Blizzard boss says players love Diablo Immortal, Rockstar attacks mod community again, Cyberpunk 2077 QA fake news, Bungie Destiny mobile game leaks & more! ★
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it sucks with Diablo immortal I paid for the battle pass season 1 and 2 It feels like a waste of money because I still can't do anything when it comes to PVP I get my a$$ handed all the time
I know it's not what he does, but I'd love to see a "Pitch Meeting" for Diablo: Immortal!
F in chat for my fellow POTCO players tired of black flag and whom were excited for skull and bones
maybe one day we'll get a pirate game to scratch the itch that Disney permanently scarred us with when they took down POTCO servers..
blizz ceo lies and content creator buries headline in video
I pulled out my old ps2 for my nephews some time ago. I just pushed the button and the game startet! I didn’t have to log in, check the internet connection or click through a half a dozen menus! It just played!
And I can play the game as much as I want because they won’t shut down the service. I own the game and get to keep what I payed for. Imagine!
To the cancelled Red Dead Redemption Remake: "My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined"
By dlc are they talking sp story expansions or multiplayer dlc like skins and other cosmetics.
Regardless though if you paid for it you should still get to use it and if not you should be given a refund and given i own all dlc for all the Assassins Creed games i'll be extremely pissed off if i lost the ability to play the story dlc especially if i've spent money on it.
The money doesn't lie.
Crunch: Buncha wimps whining about working in an air conditioned office in a nice comfy chair without worrying about where your next meal is coming from because it's a phone call away. Oh and you can leave any time you like, because no one's holding a gun to your head saying "Crunch or die!" Oh no, woe is me, I had to work long hours to complete a project. The horror.
Can we stop whining about Crunch? To most of the rest of the world, it's just called "work".
The worst part of the Diablo Immortal statement is the fact during the 2018 Blizzcon they stated that a lot of the devs play mobile games and wanted to make something fun. We end up with a mobile game that doesn't allow f2p to earn premium currency which is one of the staples of mobile and gacha games. This illusion that the pay wall can be overcome with patience and grinding. In Diablo Immortal there is no illusion just a wall with no f2p door.
im throwing my pc in the trash
rather than just doing a better job remastering RDR for PC, they just scrapped it. That's too bad.
i miss the days of serial keys lol. Honestly this all is making go back to retro gaming or want to quit altogether. does not help most gamers are to stupid to just say "NO". This is just as much our fault as it is for companies like blizzard and ubisoft who do it. Major backlash and voting with our wallets will help curb or stop it completely. But we really need the US government to put major restrictions on this help out, our laws kinda suck when it comes to this. Anyway thans for the video, making be reconsider getting skull and bones for now. I am sure the launch will be interested 🙂
your audio is way low
I feel sorry for my game, that has to go up against God of War. In terms of awards and sales.
The is NOTHING more moral than stealing from these companies. Revel in it. They deserve zero sympathy. Those who work for them need to go into a different field. If gaming has to die…I guess I can go back to board games and dnd.
You sound like a very, very, very, depressed person!!!!!
Loved by the 10y old millionaire?
damn bro, thanks for the clip where they mentioned that Baker Mayfield was traded. nice. finally he'll have a new start in Carolina.
I have no interest in games that are just a handful of years old being remastered. GTA IV looks perfectly good, maxed out, even with mods. Metro 2033 and Metro Last Light had small remasters and they gave them away for free to those of us that owned the games. I'm not paying for remasters.
Diablo Immortal was the nail in the coffin that made me delete the blizzard launcher, and every time a blizzard exec opens their mouth I only get confirmed that it was the right thing to do
Delayed delayed delayed. Come on this CAN'T be the norm now.
Diablo Immortal on PC. Fun game until you reach mid 40s then it becomes harder and harder to do Dungeons solo. And no i never spent a fucking dime on P2win.
God i hate take Two
God of War vs skull and bones made me laugh, please don't dirty god of war with your crappy pirate game.
I just don’t get game companies being so hostile towards mods. I was watching a video showing some cyberpunk mods and they’re so well done, I don’t get why CDPR don’t pay for the mods or give those people jobs and then make them part of the game
Every video, a rant against the greedy Publishers. But The only thing that works (NOT BUYING THAT SHIT) nobody does…… we are swamped by literally billions of moron users, who throw away money at everything, EA, TAKE 2, BETHESDA, BLIZZARD, it is all the fault of the players , i seem to be out of date, when i bought a discounted game of the year edition of a game and used mods
I did this with medieval 1-2- empire, fallout 3, new vegas, oblivion, and skyrym, Borderlands 1 i spent $30 max on each game, all game of the year editions with all the extras, before that i was playing playstation 1-2 second hand games, i used to buy PC Gaming magazine (before it became paid for crap, they gave dragon age 2 a score of 94%)
I was so cheap i didnt even buy PS1 or 2 after several years and second hand…
Of course it's loved. Blizzard loves money and they get bunches from predatory tactics. So the higher ups of blizzard love diablo immortal
Pro tip. Treat l and they will STAY treat them poorly and they will leave. The same applies anywhere. Healthcare has similar issues. Employees are treated poorly and they leave leading to shortages of experienced employees
Ask blizzard why it's all about the money honey and what else is there they have no other excuse
Blizzard doesn't care about the core Diablo community because Immortal was never intended for them. It just highlights once again how out of touch their BlizzCon announcement was. They should have low key released it on mobile and not talked it up like a flagship Blizzard title.
God of war will never get game of the year for the simple fact that it’s a PlayStation exclusive liek all other god of war games…. pieces of shit. Fuck’em, let them fizzle out in the coals of their exclusive coals.
Game companies now only care about making money with very few exceptions. They spend as little money and as little time as possible in putting out games. The problem is the morons buying games STILL BUY THEIR GAMES. Start boycotting these horrible piece of garbage games. I for one am not touching another Bethesda game…. period and Blizzard? Blizzard has been terrible for years. You stop buying their games and maybe they will start to notice and start giving a damn….. though with microtransactions all they need are a few idiots with tons of money to waste. Its not about how many people like your game anymore its about how many rich people are going to drop thousands of dollars on your game. Really sad…. stop supporting the big nasty game companies and start supporting the indies.
Blizzard isn’t lying in the fact they are making a ton of money on the game.
They literally only need one out of every hundred people to play the game and spend twenty bucks to make millions. This isn’t even including the obvious gaming addicts and whales in this world.
95% of the world could hate immoral and not play it. But that 5% will pay blizzard and keep the game alive.
Let's not forget Mike Ybarra wasn't even a gamer for a vast majority of his career, until about 10 years ago where, after years and years getting to a high position at Microsoft, he transferred to the Games team never having worked his way up to a principal position through game channels. While at Xbox he was a peer of Matt Booty reporting to Phil Spencer (now CVP in Microsoft Games), so I don't see much in the way of changes coming to Bliz under Xbox Leadership. Mike knows how to work the Microsoft political machine. He is a money guy so I am not surprised at his defense of these predatory practices.
What does surprise me is is that Rod Furgusson, the grand high pubah of Diablo at Blizzard supported this MTX implementation. He always struck me as a fair dude with the gamer's best interest at heart (right after making sure his dev teams were well taken care of). He is Wyatt's ultimate lead and I'd be shocked if he wasn't aware of how predatory the MTX were.
Hands off does not literally mean hands off. It means creative freedom. Xbox Studios really haven't had messes of the degree of Fallout 76. They've had games that have been Bland but never broken to that degree with their internal Studios
Free game apps are garbage, I will gladly pay for a game but there better not be micro transactions in it
While I absolutely abhor games like Diablo Immortal, we MUST resist inviting the government into this space. They are already talking about "taxing violent videogames" and other such bullshit. And let's be real….99% of countries are not going to tell companies they CAN'T do this, they'll just tax it.
For decades, we older gamers have fought tooth and nail to keep the government out of gaming. This sudden cheerleading from this generation to have an overreaching government apparatus come in and remove responsibility from the player is dangerous. And that IS what is happening here. Parents are letting little Billy run rampant with their credit card, and since they're piss poor parents, they want big daddy gubmint to come in and tell Billy no. Players see a shiny new skin and buy it, then feel stupid for blowing 20 bucks on it and then insist the government take that choice away from them to save them from themselves and their poor impulse control. Why is it anyone's business if some idiot wants to spend hald a million dollars on a mobile game? If you don't like it, don't play it. Not every game needs to be for you. Let the idiots be parted from their money, it keeps OUR games churned out and prices kept low. It's none of my business what someone else does with their money, and it's none of yours, either. This will only end up being a new source of tax revenue for most countries, and the prices will rise on everything to compensate.
I think its great news would have been mobile ports anyway