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I was really shocked by this huge monitor Samsung Odyssey G9. It really gives a totally new gaming experience compared to other monitors. Follow Danucd on: ► Twitch:
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#Odyssey #samsung
2:56 That's my real Twin sister, she is twice better than me in PUBG 🙂
small mistake Dana… 4:3… not 1:1 … but you rock these videos anyway 😉 – also, ive done 21:9 on twitch no probs … 32:9 might look a bit much tho… but you can crop things so easy with OBS i see no issue
ummmm…. what is the price of this ?
"ready for Cyberpunk" in title, not even 1 single frame of Cyberpunk on the monitor the whole video. Bro.. ComeOn, wtf..
This monitor is over kill.NO existing hardware can run it at it's full potential.Colors look dull and lack luster.Cool keyboard though!! I have the same one!
I was expecting to see how to will play cyberpunk in that Resolution.^^ Good Luck. You need 3090
Please recommend a Laptop Make/Model that could get the full 5120 x 1440 at 240Hz refresh rate from this Samsung G9 Odyssey BEAST? 🙂
New to this channel and I thought you were ana de armas haha man I wished my desk would fit this kind of screen ><
gg! nice review!
I’m running this monitor on an overclocked RTX 3070 and it works great. My favorite monitor yet!
marry me. sorry I meant lovely review, I just bought one, hopefully 32:9 is okay for me! 🤞
Yep, I'm sure buying this when I get my build!
danucd is such a good content creator
Your monitor is bigger than my TV
Yeah you clearly skipped english is school alright. No doubt about it.
That intro make me subscribe just inmediately
How's the monitor when it comes to streams and recording? I know it was 3 months ago, but I haven't seen anyone talking about it and I'm planning on getting it
U know it's extra ultra wide when you have to move ur head 90° to see the end of the monitor..2:34 – 2:36 😆
😍😛 Your voice… 😊👍
sure cs 1.6
Danuc = Love
you should fire your camera person! lol
Hey Dana, sick setup!
The G9 is truly a beast! I own it in combo with the X13+3080eGPU.
I have a short setup showcase on my channel if you wanna see it.
Ok I like it. Send me one! Thank you
Kā Tu samiksēji kopā sevi ar sevi tik smooth ?
What is the name of the desk, or is it custom. I bought this monitor and need a desk that will support it.
what speaker you use danu?
что говорит непонятно…
personally i will go for odyssey g7 32 inch display.
any one here please can tell that girl Gta san andreas Logical than Cyber Punk 2077 ??? +10 years differance, but GTA San andreas Very Logical
so can we act. play pubg with black bars on geforce settings right ?
do we have to setup aspect ratio on monitor or gefroce settings ? so will its stay on 240hz when u play HD resolution with black bars ? thx
What is the best configuration of PC to support this monitor? FYI, I'm going to use it only fr trading, investing and productivity.
Ничего не понял, но ты симпатичная 🙂
جميعنا نحب الوردي 🌸
danudc how the you set up your out put for the stream pleasee help?I have g9
using the same monitor have issue, want to play on pc with this monitor and stream mon laptop, i have capture card elgato hd60s+ !! HAVE NO IDEA HOW TO CONNECT THEM