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Are Hanako and Oda having a secret affair? Or Michiko and Adam Smasher? Does Arasaka loan out Soukiller? Lets explore these details and more in Cyberpunk 2077!
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Tracks from Cyberpunk 2077
Deflector by Ghostrifter
Creative Commons — Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported — CC BY-SA 3.0
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00:00 Intro
00:21 Another Circle of Hell
04:15 Matrix Easter Egg
06:28 North Oak Residents Conspiracy
11:50 Voodoo Boy Wannabe
14:25 Breaking Bad Glitter Easter Egg
16:54 Conclusion
I see Sam bram video, I klik
Did you or are you going to make a video on the Yorinobu mastermind theory?
Has anyone else found the pond of blood with bodies in it surounded by cameras that is left of the bridge that we send off scorpion in?
how would one have a fling with Adam Smasher? like, does he have attachments?
The Jalapeno Joe quest is a bit bugged for me, for some reason I can never interact with the corpse on the ground near his "home" as it always drops down into the ground when I approach it. Have not checked but do you have a video on the Mayor's murder? Thank you for showing the item in Kerry's pond, never knew that was there. Offhand I believe there are five net runner/garage dens. 3 in Watson, I in Japantown, I in Pacifica, but I could be wrong.
I love these videos keep them coming
Could you make a life path ranked or romances ranked?
Hanako Arasaka looks pretty good for a woman of 78!
Amazing video
The absolute work that went into this game
nice video
Jean is not "gin", more like Je-an.
The 5% that chose to join The Scavs and Raffen's need help…
Never seen a drone that wasn’t black.
No valentinos gang?
Circles of Hell – Divine Comedy by Dante A. Inferno/Hell the deepest (worst) Circle s for betrayers of Mankind. in the Divine Comedy Dante A does make his way back out but not to life, to heaven. So intrigued by potential of quest.great Vidi 😎☕💋
Man, I'm really trying not to play CP2077 till next month, but every time you upload one of these videos it makes me want to play! 😅
In Dante's Inferno there are nine levels or circles of Hell. The very bottom is where the Treacherous are imprisoned. This includes Lucifer himself. If there was another circle, it would be the 10th. Lilith is considered the mother of demons and the first wife of Adam. What's interesting is that demons are often described as literally soulless. In the cyberpsycho siting that mentions the 10th circle of hell, the psycho is a woman netrunner.
I'd imagine CDPR are saying those who are hit with SOULKILLER are in a special hell reserved for the soulless.
This channel is the best find this year
Sorry, just curious about your correction on the loot inside the crate in Dante's hideout. Have i been using mods too long? I thought CDPR "fixed" it so that loot is randomized in the containers anymore?
I can’t claim to have watched all of your videos yet, so I don’t know if you have covered this, but there is a bombing gone wrong on top of the church in Pacifica
@6:07 is one of the things I disliked most about CP2077, hated climbing up buildings to find walls and floors that you could walk straight through. really ruins the feeling of it being a city