Cyberpunk 2077 Outrage BLOWS Up! Reviews Add Warnings, Missing Features Anger & Refunds Denied?!

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★ Cyberpunk 2077’s launch has been a mess. Players are reporting drastically different experiences on consoles vs. pc, with the game being review bombed over bugs & other issues. ★
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43 thoughts on “Cyberpunk 2077 Outrage BLOWS Up! Reviews Add Warnings, Missing Features Anger & Refunds Denied?!”

  1. As I said once to a young talented merc, after his first gig in Afterlife… "in Night City, without your rep You are nothing…" he thoughtfully nodded, I then bought us a round of Jackie Wells.

  2. I'm starting to doubt you as a reputable source of news as you seem to try to defend cyber punk by saying oh "they've been working so hard don't attack them" while if its fallout or anthem or any other game you didn't spend 3 months hyping up you straight up through them in the gutter. in 2019 alot of games released as buggy mess's and cyberpunk was set to release on that year but seeing all the shit the other games got they new people would rage so they delay. (good thing) but then after that they have to delay again for a few months for them to "polish the game" even tho its in an unplayable state on the intended generation of consoles. then just before release only allowing pc reviews because they know the game works. (what we Australians call a cunt move). well at least they fucked them selfs by allowing refunds because. bit hypocritical of you only to defend developers only when it suits you.

  3. Not being funny but I think the anger people are feeling IS justified. We must direct our anger at the developers. They are quick enough to take our money and not look back. Fuck them, this is TOTALLY unacceptable. I for one got a refund the game was unplayable.. And missing sooo much promised content.

  4. I find it very hypocritical all these gamers complaining about spending $60 on a game that has bugs, when gamers are giving up thousands of $$ for loot boxes and f2p games. We deserve to be disappointed if we are going to be this stupid.

  5. I think people forgot that they are release just another video game. This was never going to be an existence altering experience that will change your perception of reality. They will always just stick a gun in your hand and let you do headshots.

  6. Does anyone remember you had to pay 30 bucks for a broken version of PUBG on xbox? It was in beta but we still spent the money for a hella broken crap game. The game isn't that bad. I am still playing it n logging hella hours on my Xbox one x. Not sharing how the game ran on consoles is shady but the game still works n it was only 60 bucks! Get over it. I can't believe how far games have come and developed n they still only charge 60 bucks.

  7. Not bad on PC. The world is quite expansive and pretty and the game play is good. Still trying to figure it all out. Had a few CODs and a few minor glitches, but nothing like the console nightmares. That's why I love PC gaming!

  8. Lemme tell you a story guys of how I lost my data. I started playing on the morning of Friday the 11th, I played all day from then to Monday or Tuesday. Nonstop, I was obsessed for in those few days I played all day with only food and bathroom breaks I played more than I slept. Now as of 2 hours ago, maybe more or maybe less, I had a level 27 Nomad that was pretty far in the story and had so many good guns and money and great perks. I got bored and made a second character cause I wanted to play Nomad again when the game get more stable. Do a bit of street kid and right when about to save and quit game crashed. Now I saw a video telling me it’s ok to have more than one character and I even saw both files in the load game. Now when I get back on planning on playing Nomad again cause I thought let’s finish the game and… it’s gone. All of it on my Nomad. Load game does not have single file to load on my Nomad. Check PS4 saved data management and they aren’t even there. I really want to just go back and go again but it’s so much to do all over again and with the knowledge my this can happen again and also your save can get corrupted by having a lot of items that’s a powerful deterrent. I can’t keep going and I always believed in CDPR and after the buggy mess tried to keep it cool and wait for it to get good. No matter how aggravated I would get just calm down. Well screw that I lost nearly 50 hours of my time. I will never defend CDPR again. They are above Bethesda now on my list of scum.

  9. I gotta say first that even with the bugs I am and have thoroughly enjoyed my playthrough of cyberpunk, that being said there is NO excuse for them to have come out with such a broken game having been delayed for 2 years there is no excuse and some management needs to get fired over this, I love CDPR but will definitely be weiry of preordering any of their shit in the future, this was grossly unacceptable when 76 did it and personally I think this was worse seeing is how they not only said it ran fine but because they push the game back so long. That being said I'm keeping my copy but the list of game developers that I still trust has dropped down to 2, Bend studios with Days gone and Sucker Punch with all their games so until they let me down they will be the only developers I continue to pre order from, Rockstar used to be on the list but since Dan houser left I dont see many great stories coming from them just more greedy predatory money grubbing and battle royal games over quality story that made people like them in the first place

  10. Need more time wot 6 years not a enough my son wos pissst of paying 60£ for that GAME u do not bye half of a game I WON'T THE other half soon wot a joke😠😲😬it could of bin a good game but day won't your £££££.

  11. 2016-2020-2077….this gutting meme world 🌎, stuff get arse-can real quick when you come sideways now a days. Bummer how they getting chopped up like spam, but I ain’t going to rant with the rest. It was a great game still which shoulda been next gen at most & more time for fixing before releasing. But hope it just a wake up call to all game developers or etc after this hell hole 🕳 that started for so many games. 🤦🏾‍♂️”I was hoping this game would be badarse!” 🐛”You can thanks to management for this hell”

  12. Its funny how ppl are naive with the gaming industry – its a biz , nothing else , the whole pooint of realeasing game now is to dump down the share price of cdp project red , give it a 6-7m for it to go up again – its just biz

  13. The only thing I think is really bad is how the people with PS4,s and X box ones should have been the ones most catered to. When they announced cyberpunk 2077 ps4 had only just been released. It's just a bad situation for people who pre ordered and then had to get refund. Take naughty dog for instance people might not have liked the story decisions, but the actual graphics and play were amazing. I can't see how cdpr didn't know this shitshow was gonna happen after catering to pc players to get a brilliant experience, and then leaving there core buyers (console) to play a glitch ridden bug ridden crash heavy experience of a game. I played for 25 minutes and thought wow I must be lucky this is really good. Then the bugs and glitches started. 10 minutes later it crashed, then after rebooting I couldn't play for longer than 15 too 40 minutes without it crashing. And the bugs and glitches took me out of the game in the minutes I could play. So I finally got a refund. I truly hope it's patched up by 6 month's.. just a shitshow. Cdpr went from being one of the most celebrated developers to being compared to EA in a week. 2020 really is one of the worst years on reco

  14. To your intro.. yeah I remember that tweet "It was a team decision to make the game 1st person only".. which is such a disguisting rotten greedy management lie its repulsive.. they simply cut all the scenes because of time and budget and I bet there were a lot of people who put a lot of time and effort into cinematics and cutscenes… whoever posted that is still a pos

  15. I'd like to know what happened to the days when you could buy a game and it would be complete and fully playable on release, no matter what distributor was marketing it…


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