A Bunny Girl Lost in Night City | Cyberpunk 2077 | Synthwave Music

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A Bunny Girl Lost in Night City | Cyberpunk 2077 | Synthwave Music

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Sending vibes for an epic day! May the entire universe’s luck rain down on you. 🌌
Our beats are here to take you on a journey of feels and memories. 🎵✨


• Captivating art and animations crafted by yours truly © NightCityGirls. •

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#synthwave #cyberpunk2077 #relaxmusic #chillmusic


9 thoughts on “A Bunny Girl Lost in Night City | Cyberpunk 2077 | Synthwave Music”

  1. +/ Night City Stories +/ Chapter 9 – Breadcrumbs Part 2

    "NICK!! Its Brian!! Open up!"

    Brian knocks on the door harder as the woman in black waiting rolls her eyes. Shes clearly impatient by nature but has worked on it. "He's not here." She proclaims as she stands back up straight ready to leave. "Oh, he's here…he's just fuckin around….NICK!" Brian bangs again. The sound of an Achilles tech rifle charging up on the other side of the door startles the woman as she quickly turns to face the door. Brian calmly puts his arm out in front of her, gently moving her over to the side out from in front of the door. Next they hear an M2038 Tactician get racked as Brian closes his eyes and takes a deep breath looking down. The heavy footsteps of Nicholas slowly approach the door as they hear several locks and chains are fiddled with and removed…some dropping to the floor with a hard thump. The door finally opens with a slight crack as Nicholas peeks through. "Brian…" He says in a deep rough voice "Nick.." Brian responds while looking at the man's red eyes and disheveled thinning hair, holding the rifle.

    "What do you want Brian…Where's your-"

    "He's gone Nick…shootout you heard the other day."

    Nicholas stares at Brian before briefly looking down in mourning. Brian continues while letting himself into the apartment slightly pushing himself past Nicholas. The woman, slightly surprised by this, promptly follows behind Brian as Nicholas looks at her with confusion.

    "Y'know, if you ever took the time to actually leave this place you'd have a better idea of what was going on outside the view of your windows here." Brian says as he glances around the apartment and walks up to the window showcasing a clear cascading view of the subsequent backyards leading up the street towards Brian's house. The woman in black takes the time to make some observations..all things considered, the place doesn't look anything like she guessed. The place was spotless, everything was in order and squared away, A direct contrast to the scattered trash and debris you find in the streets and in that very apartment complex. It was clear to her judging based on the man's big, imposing frame and living space that he was most likely ex-millitary. Upon further observation she notices his opened weapon locker with various guns scattered within it and a lone picture of 2 men in uniform side by side.

    "There's nothing left out there for me Brian…you know that. I don't belong here…. never did."

    "I know Nick…my dad-"

    "Enrique…." Nicholas interrupts

    "My dad told me-"

    "My only choom.." Nicholas says as he stares off in the distance


    "I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for him…The only reason I stayed in NC…"


    "Right by his side…no matter what..even if it meant being in this shithole Arroyo-"

    "NICK!" Brian yells a final time getting Nicholas re-focused and standing right in front of him..Nicholas turns his attention to Brian.

    "After the shootout and the crash…what did you see out here Nick. Who did you see?"

    Nicholas looks at brian before turning his attention to the woman in black leaned up next to the backyard window."

    "So that's why you're back here huh." Nicholas says to her, getting her full attention.

    "Wanna know what i saw?" He says raising his rocky, grumbled voice looking at Brian.

    "I saw HER!" Looking over at the woman in black. Brian looks over at her then back at Nicholas.

    Nicholas continues while face to face with Brian but only looking directly at the woman. "They were on her ass like i'd never seen before. Cornered her…then she went to work….right there." Nicholas points at the window. "I saw her kill 3 corpo huscle…yeah, i know they were corpo… and sent a 4th one fleeing…" Nicholas turns his body away from Brian and towards the woman while squinting his eyes and grinning slightly..he continues. "What was that…sandevistan and a K-Bar? Ha…they almost got you. I thought it was over after they got your iron." Nicholas pauses before shifting subject. "Where the hell did you get that implant huh…? Military grade combatware…and who the hell would even be able to chip that for you hm?

    "Nick..who else did you-" Nick ignores Brian and starts walking towards the woman before continuing.

    "You wanna know what stood out to me about that.." he slowly steps towards her as she shifts her posture and attention towards him.

    "Nick.." Brian attempts to interrupt.

    "I've seen and been apart of some scraps in my day…but that…that was brutal.." Nicholas pauses briefly. "You like killing corpos….don't you." The man says as he stands in front of her now face to face.

    "NICK!" Brian yells.

    Nicholas matches the tone and yells back while still looking directly into the woman's eyes.

    "The fourth one didn't get away!..Did he?.." Nicholas continues. "She tackled and strangled him while he begged for his life." The woman now fully locked into his eyes uncrosses her arms. Nicholas continues with a smile. "You didn't have to. You wanted to…didn't you." The woman looks down and away from Nicholas before he continues, getting even closer to her face and lowering his rocky grumbled voice. "What did they do to you huh?…what did they take-" The woman quickly looks back up at him and into his eyes. "Because THAT'S WHAT THEY DO! THEY ONLY! TAKE!-"

    Brian grabs Nicholas from behind, tripping him and quickly slamming him to the floor of the apartment, pinning him down with his knee on his back and holding one of his arms while pressing down on his head. The woman looking away doesn't react.

    "I don't think you're hearin' me Nick." Brian says through his teeth.

    "Gaahhhh!! Brian! You little shit!" Nicholas says through his teeth struggling to get up or move with no success.

    "AFTER it went down and everyone was gone…WHAT..did you SEE NICK!"

    "NCPD SQUAD CAR!!! OUTSIDE YOUR HOUSE!" Nicholas yells while in pain.

    "WHAT ELSE!?" Brian yells through his teeth while holding him down. The woman in black still in a haze.

    "Aaagh!!! 6th STREET!! THEY WERE AT YOUR PLACE!! BACKYARD!!" The woman, snapping out of her trance re-focuses her attention. Brian, uneasy at the news continues.

    "How many."


    Brian looks directly at the woman while holding Nicholas down. She returns it with a confirming look. Brian lets Nicholas go and stands up over him as he lets out a shriek of relief while still laying on the floor.

    "Get out of this city Nick….you said it yourself…nothing left for you here." Brian says in a dead tone.

    Brian glances at the woman before turning and walking out of the apartment. The woman stares at Nicholas left in pain on the floor…thinking deeply. Nicholas stares back at her without saying anything…The woman follows Brian out of the apartment.


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