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Download the new ReShade and full mod list along with an installation guide here!
Read more about Cyberpunk 2077➜
Download the new ReShade and full mod list along with an installation guide here!
Download the new ReShade and full mod list along with an installation guide here!
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52:25 wtf xd your cat ?
The level of detail in the architecture of this city is INSANE there isn't one building or street that looks the same, every single inch of this world is so damn detailed, every district has such a unique art direction, design and atmosphere, everything has such an amazing feeling of scope and scale to it, and all of this without one single loading. I've never seen anything like it. To think that before this game they had never created a modern city in a video game, man the artists and designers of this city deserve a raise and a hell of a lot more recognition
wow very impressive but i can't imagine what the fps will be, like 30-40 i'm guessing with dlss performance or ultra performance
If I may ask, what's your fps on average in and out of combat?
52:27 unexpected
We need this in 60fps during heavy combat.