25 More Things You Probably Missed In Your 1st Cyberpunk 2077 Playthrough (launch and 1.5 onwards)

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Cyberpunk 2077: 25 things you may have missed or not known about when playing around in Night City! Easter Eggs, hidden gems, features, function, quests and other details. There’s still so much hidden stuff in this game, This isn’t the last video on this stuff! If It’s not in the list, it’s either in a previous episode, coming in another one or I don’t know about it, so be sure to subscribe and check out the other videos. I’ll be back with much more soon.

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Special thanks to all my YouTube subscribers and commenters, chatters and friends, thank you so much for being here, you keep me moving forward!

#cyberpunk2077 #cyberpunk #handsomeTez


13 thoughts on “25 More Things You Probably Missed In Your 1st Cyberpunk 2077 Playthrough (launch and 1.5 onwards)”

  1. Rivers’ nephews’ names in the VR name
    Captain Joan McClain & lt. Henry Callahan 😂 
    (John McClain – Die hard & Harry Callahan – Dirty Harry)

    Also I loled hard with the Japanese surgeon in Big in Japan
    Hasn’t been too long I watched the entire Office on Netflix so I remembered it straight away

  2. Those monks show up in the Market whether or not you kill all the Maelstrom freaks. The rescued brother is still butt-hurt about V killing them. Ungrateful twit. I did get a text from Mitch about the Scorpion send off…unfortunately I let it go [busy doing something else, I think] and never got another opportunity. For some reason that figurine still ends up in V's Megablock 10 apartment however. There's so much going on in this game sometime the details go without notice…

  3. Something I noticed yesterday. The computers, when you start to jack in or just start using them they have 3 users in them. Middle one is Omni Products and it is abbreviated OCP. Both are RoboCop references. In the original movies and DVD movie / TV-series OmniConsumer Products wad the evil megacorp. In the RoboCop reboot the cybernetics company was called OmniProducts. In the end of the movie they were acquired by OCP.

    In Chippin' In we see Ruby (and Johnny's) tobacco brand: Morley. I believe it began in X-Files, but most TV-series' and a lot of movie productions have adopted the "brand" as it was never copyrighted. Morley's become the de factor cigarette brand in US TV productions. It was originally the Cigarette Smoking Man's brand.

    The confessional automat is also a reference to the medieval system of indulgences offered by the Catholic Church. You could donate money to have your sins forgiven. Saints Row had similar thing with the drive-thru confessional thing where you could lose your stars with money. This is a wholly sociological commentary on where people have a tendency to be able to get out of jail for free card when converting to Christian faith.

  4. So I’ve noticed something odd while playing. I was driving aimlessly just admiring the city and all of sudden I hear beeping like as if a count down to something and then BOOM a car explodes. What’s weird is it’s happened on different parts of the map. First time was in the City Center on the far left side kinda close to the ripper doc there. It’s a parking lot viewing the sea. The second in Pacifica driving down the street where Delmain car stops at. The third was in heywood I believe it’s around the area where you find Josie’s body. Thought maybe you noticed it as well ?


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