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What’s Cyberpunk 2077 about?
Cyberpunk 2077 is an open-world, action-adventure story set in Night City, a megalopolis obsessed with power, glamour and body modification. You play as V, a mercenary outlaw going after a one-of-a-kind implant that is the key to immortality.
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Wow, I've seen PS4 footage before the patch and this is way better, framerate wise
Everything about this game is solid on Base PS4 except for the blurry visuals and slightly off putting performance. Loving everything else about it
What the city part like framerate wise?
Game should've been postponed till next year
Ps4 version is shit omg. Pop up, glitches, bug, low textures, fsp under 15… Dunno man
CD Project is a shame…
It honestly doesn’t look that bad on its own. It’s just underwhelming, especially when you compare it on other consoles.
Hyperjunk 2069
i need to see night city saw it before and it looked dead on ps4
Gave up after 2 hours. The game is blurry is fuck, and I'm not even that meticulous.
on ps4 pro worth it ? playable ?
you know, i don't think it looks bad, it sure isn't perfect, but it's 7 year old hardware, and also the youtube processing doesn't help, but based in this footage, it sure looks good enough for my ps4 slim! at least until the ps5 stock gets its shit together next year,
thank you for posting this! looking forward to more ps4 footage
The voice acting is cringier than a nineties pr0n
Ps5 crashes too it isn’t any better than what you’ve seen here and in other videos except the frames are just slightly better. Remember this game just came out
That jacket spawn when you take off that patch tho
I don't know, but for me this looks normally on the current gen. What were expected of it?
Doesn't look bad
Best wait to play cyberpunk 2077, I'm a keep playing fallout 76 till I can get a PS5
15 FPS in a gun fight with 2-3 bad guys. Oh so fun. What an unplayable nightmare. Looks way better on this video then it does on my xbox one. I requested a refund after two hours. Beyond disappointed.
I don't see much trouble for now.. the shooting was to be expected like this
Jesus Christ turn off the motion blur!
Thanks for uploading this, too bad on the slim version it runs below good, especially at night city. I guess I'll have to wait months to get a ps5 and then play the game.
25 minutes of Cyberpunk 2077 on Nintendo Switch…
Nice video. I have preordered the game and i have read on twitter and reddit that if you have the ps4 version the ps5 version will be free, is that real? So if i buy a ps5 in the future i could play the game "free" if i buy it for ps4?
20 fps 😢
Well…..guess I should start nomad , runs alot better outside the city
The city will make you cry. I literally just can’t play it lol. It just looks like a cartoon. And the driving controls holy fk. Like they couldn’t do better than gta? Fwuck
Oh but when I run it on MY ps4 slim it looks like I’m trying to run it on my parents old laptop
In my opinion, it looks…fine? If it was basically an early access to the ps5 version, but bcus PS4 is dictated as a way to play 2077, then it’s not really acceptable. Once they fix most of the bugs then I’ll be able to accept the way it looks on last gen, but right now, they should’ve have delayed it at least early-mid next year
this honestly doesn't even look that bad lmao people are being dramatic calling it "unplayable"
It’s nice graphics , without problems or bag.
If I take for my ps4 fat what u think ?
Can work good or no!?
This have a new patch ?
It looks a bit blurry
Hey bro there is a New patch 1.03. did you play with New patch ?
I've been playing for a bit, and the graphics remind me of RAGE for the 360. The gameplay itself id pretty good though, been doing a blunt melee build.
there must be something wrong with my console the game looks absolutely awful on my ps4
hmm it's bit okay, I guess the serious problem only happen in the middle of night city?
Best music by Vincenzo✌️ Saga Cyberpunk✌️
1:06 the wires didn't come off wtf
It does’t look that bad wtf? Even myself i played it today for the first time on my slim and i was like this is not as bad as othet videos i saw yesterday about PS4
Everyone stop whining this looks playable
Ru using El Gato?
That moment when all the money went on advertising, not on production.
Cheap, boring GTA copy.
I play this on a 3080 and believe me its not as good looking as you might think. Not that it matters because I would rather play with these ps4 graphics and have an actual fun game. Its so dull.
Anyone else have a problem with the map looking too small on the hud and not turning in time
It looks nice. I mean what would you expect from a device that costs 150-200 USD? I have a PC that costs 1000+ USD and still it can't push high or ultra details above 1080p. I mean, people should be happy if they can play CP on 7 years old device. Regarding textures… Invest in SSD drive 100 USD, there is a cost to everything. I paid mine 200 USD (Samsung Evo 970 1TB) and have no problems with loading. And just to add it is not cool to expect games to look high textured and sharp like it is shown on high-end PC or next-gen consoles. Even PRO and One X struggle with CP.
it doesn't look that bad just because hes' not in the center of the city yet.
Please do post another video with gameplay from inside Night City, with the NPCs, the cars, and thousands of buildings.
Doesn’t look as bad as people are being assholes and gassing it up to be. I still honestly find this very playable but I never been much a graphics guy I just like the story and the glitches is like icing to me imo
another video saying: is not that bad on ps4
tbh it look rly good like rly good some bugs but it doesn't make ur gameplay worse it's just some visual not big of a deal but I think I am gonna buy, and then when I start making some money gonna buy ps5 and cyberpunk 2077 for it (when it comes out)