You Won't Believe What Cyberpunk 2077 Devs Are Working On…The Elder Scrolls 6 Killer?

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So you won’t believe what former Cyberpunk 2077 devs are currently working on. This is very big news. Could this game be the Elder Scrolls 6 contender? Let’s talk about it!

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36 thoughts on “You Won't Believe What Cyberpunk 2077 Devs Are Working On…The Elder Scrolls 6 Killer?”

  1. After Cyberpunk's embarrassing release, I would expect CDPR to kill themselves with trying to make an Elder Scrolls killer. Being that Cyberpunk is being shelved as quickly as they can I can see them moving on to something to save their butts but it had better be good. Investors are probably making it very well known that anything remotely looking like the disaster of Cyberpunk will leave them sitting penny less. They had better step it up a lot, being that they have almost no fan base after Cyberpunk and low investor credibility, they get one shot. They don't deserve another shot after their last embarrassment but they are getting one more shot at it.

  2. Elder scrolls is unmatched in the fantasy genre. The developer is kinda garbage but the lore, world building, and details are second-to-none. There's a reason why skyrim is still played to this day 11 years later

  3. You wont believe what cyberpunk 20777 devs are working on uhhhhh sure we do another failed promise cause they still have not done anything with their first mess

  4. So really nothing except the Developers opening new Companies which has been know for sometime but so far all their projects are in the works. Nice to have a Dry day where you post old news on something that is on going but nothing new since like I said in the works but please keep us posted once these update to being shown in video form or going to Release.

  5. Did you really just put “elder scrolls 6 killer” 🤦🏾 the stupidity hearing that for something that we have no idea what this dark fantasy open world “ is going to even play like we know what we getting from elder scrolls just updated

    Why do people say dumb things like that they said that same thing from anthem to destiny and borderlands 3 and division STOP SAYING A GAME IS GOING TO KILL ANOTHER GAME

  6. All I've wanted the past 10 years is another open world rpg that is on the level of new Vegas. Just give me that game with a cyberpunk paintjob. I've played every new rpg and NONE are as good as new Vegas. Cyberpunk 2077 as an RPG is just disappointing. You can clearly see they ran out of time and cobbled together a crappy action game with half-baked mechanics with bare minimum choice, just so they could cash in on the hope of gamers everywhere who will stick it out for a better product. If you want a good action game. Go play Farcry 3. If you want a good rpg. Go play Fallout New Vegas. Cyberpunk is neither, so just stop wasting your time. CDPR is just like EA and Activision, we gamers put them on a pedestal they didn't deserve.

  7. Personally if past or present cdpr dev hope to make a elder scrolls killer then that’s never going to happen giving on how many time Skyrim is rerelease and on how cyberpunk launch

  8. Let the business assholes compete.

    As gamers and developers we shouldn't care about toxic competition like NFL sports shit. We're all in love with each other's games and should hold hands during these times. Games are great. I love them all. None is best.

  9. Don't think it'll be a <insert game> killer, but will probably be very good. And a different type of RPG than TES 6. TES already has years of lore and games, doubt a new IP would "kill" it 🙂

  10. The Way Bethesda Has Treated Elder Scroll Players Have Been WAY Over the Top. I Know If a Studio Created a Great Fantasy Open World Sand Box that promoted Modding People Would Flock over in Droves!! We feel Ignored Except when Todd wants to inject money he pulls out Yet another Copy of Skyrim. And We are SOOO Hungry we actually Buy a game that came out 11 years AGAIN!! Becuse there is NOTHING ELSE!!

  11. I do not see the Mac Tac being all that viable, V treasures her freedom, being tied down to an governmental organization, just works against her personality. Bounty Hunting, that would fit in esp. mercs do not want to work with V, solo operations to bring down wanted targets, for whoever would be I can see V doing. What would be better for the bounty hunting system is to have a reoccurring random events for players to keep on playing their favorite V even after all the gigs, storyline, and side quests are done.

  12. Sigh 😔 when it comes to this stuff until I actually play the game I can't trust anything the cdpr devs got at all. We saw a fifty minute demo that wasn't real at all btw 😂 . Forgive me if I'm not jumping for joy here

  13. Speaking of animating for third-person perspectives, if CDPR intends to implement a third-person camera for 2077, they seriously need to work on the animations. Watching V's shadow is very telling of just how bad the animations for the character model are. Stiff as a board, limbs twisting and stretching in alien-like ways, floating across the ground. I am strongly hoping and wishing for a true 3rd-person camera in 2077, but they have a lot of work ahead if that's their plan.

  14. Honestly I found this misleading you stated in the title “You won’t believe what Cyberpunk 2077 devs are doing” which like you clearly state multiple times in the vid they are EX Cyberpunk 2077 devs because they don’t work for CDPR so when I read the title I honestly thought this was an update about Cyberpunk 2077 not a video talking about new studios and games that won’t be coming till 2024 at earliest which by then we all know they could cancel those games and create completely different ones in that time which you tend to say in most videos “take it with a grain of salt” when as of right now those two games are nothing but a solid salt brick. I do appreciate all your hard work and for the updates I truly do, but I also don’t like being mislead and I can’t wait to hear about these games once they are actually in the realm of releasing. Have a great month everyone, Namaste.

  15. TES 6 is already dead and buried. How many years does it take to make? Beth killed their own child. Starfield is delayed, then they'll have to fix the bugs, then they'll release some modding tool a year later, then they'll be working on an expansion, etc… And 20 years after Skyrim, Beth will proudly announce their new IP because they feel like branching out. Another '76 kind or something. 🤔🤨


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