YongYea Pulls Down Cyberpunk 2077 Review and Admits to Being a CDPR Shill Who Didn't Play The Game!!

Read more about Cyberpunk 2077➜ https://cyberpunk2077.mgn.tv

#YONGYEA #Cyberpunk #CDProjektRed #Shill

As Flava Flav Would Say……Can’t Trust Em


11 thoughts on “YongYea Pulls Down Cyberpunk 2077 Review and Admits to Being a CDPR Shill Who Didn't Play The Game!!”

  1. It was always pretty obvious, frankly the video is one long excuse six months after the fact, pretty pathetic when he said my brain didn't want to believe. The shill got his free stuff and access, made money on the video and just proved that people like him who claim to be so better than games journalists are just as bad.

  2. The silver lining of CB77 is that it revealed the shills I used to watch so that I could unsubscribe from them and save my time. Yong Yea, Skill Up, Layman Gaming, IGN (already ignored them but even moreso) etc.

  3. In his pinned comment on the video he deflects blame by saying it is CD Project Red's fault for being so "manipulative". I have always thought yongyea is a sell out and gets hype or talks about things he wouldn't care about. He isn't even a journalist, he just reads articles and regurgitates them, buys so much merch and hypes games up or pays too much attention to them when you know he probably doesn't even play most of them and is just doing it for money.

  4. It doesn't even make sense what he says, he says the lifepath choices really matter, and that you are overwhelmed by the amount of stuff to do in Night City when not in missions, how does that work when you rushed the campaign? It's incompatible. Seriously how the fuck could you even know lifepath choices matter if you only played the game once anyway. It's like he thinks his whole audience is retarded or he is deluding himself

  5. He posted multiple videos per DAY when Fallout 76 released in its initial state. Like obsessively giddy to tear it down. But when Cyberpunk 2077 hit with many of the same terrible issues, he literally held back, and even one video he said something to the effect of "I just want to move on…" from the shitfest bad press the game was getting. He certainly didn't want to move on from Besthesda, EA, or Activision bad press. But for his DARLING CD Projekt Red and Cyberpunk 2077, bad press was largely OFF-LIMITS to him, evidently.


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