Why Did CDPR Go Silent With Cyberpunk 2077 and The Witcher 3 Updates

Read more about Cyberpunk 2077➜ https://cyberpunk2077.mgn.tv

With the recent change in strategy and silence around upcoming CDPR projects and the questions I always get, I wanted to go deeper to see what is going on.

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LastKnownMeal, 2022.


32 thoughts on “Why Did CDPR Go Silent With Cyberpunk 2077 and The Witcher 3 Updates”

  1. It's best to keep your head down while working on projects ND cdpr are getting acquainted with that concept. I wish for more expansion packs. A gang system. Join able factions. But I feel cdpr are going to send those to cyberpunk online

  2. Nothing to show and they want to have another delay but don’t want to announce it. That’s just a guess. They really suck at communicating. They’ll say nothing and when they finally speak it’s rarely clear and they go back on their word.

  3. I think this should've been their strategy from the very beginning. Don't even announce a release date nor give out too much information regarding what's going on inside. Had they done this, everything would've been different and people would've reviewed this differently. I guess we can expect something better out of Witcher 4 now.

  4. They pretty much have to talk about the Witcher 3 upgrade between now and their earnings report on September 7th. I think if it gets delayed again we would likely find out between now and then ( I hope not though).

  5. 6 months since last update of Cyberpunk. This next update needs to be huge.
    A couple of new gigs, new game plus and a trransmog system will not be enough. We need more.

  6. For CP77 i hope they also will still optimize the game more with streaming the content on next gen consoles. Can't wait for The Witcher 3 on PS5 (Never played it).

    OFT: Are you also covering the game Everywhere from Build a Rocket Boy in the future on the channel? Seems to be a RPG/Action adventure game… seems to get announced at the Gamescom this year.

  7. CDPR now it's like ex-prisoner, they do some dumb sh*t in a past – get caught and f*cked. Now they are in prison, rethinking their life and their decisions, behind wires. This happened because their betrayed their own principles and their people (gamers) for some easy cash. Now it's time for a Bible and Pray, for forgiveness and the opportunity to start everything from the very beginning.

  8. I already had a hunch about patch 1.6 and the longer it takes the more convinced I am that it was always meant to be tied in with Cyberpunk: Edgerunners. We'll likely see cosmetics and content from the show, along with more bugfixes and the new features they've planned. Perhaps more quality of life improvements as well, though I think they'll leave any major gameplay changes to the expansion at this point.

  9. To be fully honest once Edgerunners got fully announced and got a lot of attention i fully expected them to do what they seem to be doing now which is release 1.6 with the show, that way it gives twice the reason for people to go back with the excitement and immersion of the show as well as new reasons to go back to the game 🙂

  10. I get being silent and all cus they don’t wanna hype it up and then remove stuff and people get disappointed, but at least give us something, anything.

  11. these are some most important and precious advices every one should read 💜🙂

    1. Past is a nice place to visit but certainly not a good place to stay.

    2. You can't have a better tomorrow if you are thinking about yesterday all the time.

    3. If what you did yesterday still looks big to you, then you haven't done much today.

    4. If you don't build your dreams, someone else will hire you to build theirs.

    I hope you have learnt something you can recieve more from my this channel🙃🙃🙃……

  12. The thing is for me, i dont really mind as much with CDPR's silence because i know they will talk about it when its ready and they at least give updates on occasion where as a company like Rockstar is the problematic kind of silent for me because they completely alienate their fan base, do not at all really hear their concerns or feedback and tend to do whatever they want which is fine from a artistic side of things but its a complete mess when it comes to their online services, if CDPR continues with this way of doing things i think ill be okay with it because they are at least more honest in a careful way about things now.

  13. Theyve now not just given up on Cyberpunk 1077, but the community too. They literally continue to disappoint. I dont support them anymore. I will go back to play updates but thats it. 2 years and nothing. Really? Not a single excuse. Shame

  14. Marketing aside i think they learned there lesson on what they can & nannot do moving forward, we'll see if thats true. As far as communication in general going silent isnt a good thing in my opinion, you said it yourself people are left to draw there own conclusions that create chaos. Now in reality they(CDPR) dont have to come out & say anything technically, its not a job requirement but in todays age communication is an unofficial must do. I hope CDPR comes out and gives a progress update on both W# next gen & CP77 update soon.

  15. Thanks, mate for your honesty in what we know and what everyone else did is just guessing at. I believe honesty is always the best policy I just CDPR would do the same and give us something even if it’s “Yes it’s coming, even if it maybe be a little long than we planned” or anything just to let us know things are still moving forward. I can’t wait until your new Witcher Lore videos to arrive. Enjoy your weekend LKM, my friend.

  16. Thx for the vid LKM .

    I can understand why you would get bombarded with these questions over and over. For me personally I could care less. I think with how our culture is and our leader ship‘s in just about every area you can think of our, the trend of businesses especially the successful AAA types/multi billion dollar company types, to be blunt… I don’t give a shit about their words. We have a overwhelming plethora amount of words that we associate and use for everything. Of course now words are apparently somehow harmful 🤨🤦‍♂️ and we have to be careful of feelings because everyone is so squishy soft and thin skinned and likely to grab a security blanket and start crying, I digress. What I’m getting at is words are meaningless and irrelevant in the face of action. All I care about is the action. The results. What is produced. You can talk a great game , you can say this or that yada yada yada… I don’t give a shit. Good or bad I don’t care. All that concerns me are the results. And not just the results but results that are befitting to the appropriate amount of the potential behind it. Not just the potential of the results but also the resource and finances that those results have access to. So if you are a multi billion dollar company, the appropriate standard and expectations that I have for you are going to be very high because you are not only capable but easily capable of meeting that standard in those expectations with the mind boggling amount of resources and finances available to you. But regardless, I don’t care about words… Words don’t produce results, actions produce results. All I care about are the actions. They can stay silent as much as they want, kudos to them. I’m only interested in actions anyway, the results


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