Transmission & Riders on the Storm | Cyberpunk 2077 – Blind Playthrough [Part 22]

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31 thoughts on “Transmission & Riders on the Storm | Cyberpunk 2077 – Blind Playthrough [Part 22]”

  1. I don’t think it’s that she lost her personality and emotions when she was uploaded after having soul killer used on her because if that’s the case then Johnny would have ended up the same, so she probably at first was a replica of her normal self but what did change her was being exposed to the net for 64 years. Having a constant flow of data being passed through her for every second of her digital life, having the knowledge of the entire world at her disposal and we don’t even know if time works the same in the net, we saw that v was able to live a days worth of time in a split second so maybe Alts been experiencing this for a lot longer, so no wonder she became this omniscient, god like being.

  2. If this video gets spiked again, you'll know it's because of where you stopped with the samurai censor.

    Seriously though, fuck the Voodoo Boys. Out to use you twice, tried to flatline you once, and would have done it again if not for Alt. Hitting "Think I'l be all right", calling Brigitte's bluff and killing my way out of Pacifica was one of the most satisfying moments in the game for me.

  3. I love that if you went in guns blazing, you'd end up in a big chase in the duststorm, but because you saved Saul stealthily, it was just a quiet awkward ride.

  4. Hey brother, amazing to see you enjoy the game again. Since you will be, or already are close to the point of starting the DLC content, know that it is SO GOOD, it might spoil the base game for you. If your mind was blown so far, then I dont know how to describe whats coming in Phantom Liberty :D.

  5. The Razor fight is kinda weak now xD
    I remember at launch, that guy was literally unbeatable unless you had like 20 in body and the gorilla arms installed
    I only beat him my first playthrough because he got stuck in the air and I could just wail on him

    Nowadays I don't even install any implants except the mantis blades which do nothing for the fight
    I get why he was nerfed but it also kinda is funny how hyped up he is by everyone in the game xD

  6. Hey, you may enjoy the Altered Carbon book series if you like all this discussion of souls vs engrams vs "what makes you, you". The first season on Netflix is aight, but the books are better.

  7. If you turn down crowd density, that should remove random npcs walking around. It reduces the population but imo it's less immersive breaking.

  8. Songbird says hi 😅😅
    Phantom liberty could start soon. As you noticed johnny is a bit of an asshole. But its cool to see what he was like when he was still alive. Oh and congrats on being boxing champion 🏆

  9. The way i understand it is when you Get COPIED into an engram. YOU Are dead and will not live on. What lives on is a COPY of you. So i would never upload myself like that. Or am i understanding the process wrong?

  10. It's funny, I don't think I've never done a playthrough where I let the Voodoo Boyz live after they try to have me killed, TWICE! I basically wipe them out after that. Plus, they killed Evelyn Parker. And that I could not let slide.

  11. About the illusion of choice, can't say for sure, but it could be viewed as the progression of the merger between V and Johnny. You may not want to pick it as V, but much like the smoking, it becomes something you would just do. Or it could just be lazy writing for an emotional beat.

  12. Great episode. I'll always do a bloodbath afterwards on the so called smartest of gangs, not so smart then.
    BTW the events in cyberspace are crucial of understanding what really goes on with the overarching plot. It's not so obvious as it seems at first. I certainly didn't get all the detes on my first playthrough.
    You also said "probably wasn't safe to unplug her." about Alt. That's indeed a subtle point which isn't spelled out in any way but sits just there for the perceptive player.


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