2:00 But I think in the 2.1 update, they changed Sonic Shock again. Yes, it prevents enemies from alerting others, but it doesn't prevent the trace quickhack after Sonic Shock to maintain stealth. I believe Memory Wipe now works almost similarly to Sonic Shock before 2.1 because it allows you to upload combat quickhacks without getting traced.
Hey man just wanted to say thank you so much for your build videos I really learnt a lot from them you awesome 👍🫡
sonic shock does not work since patch 2.1
not sure if bugged or intentional. memory wipe tier 4 is the only way to not get traced now…. which sucks.
wow nice build man!
2:00 But I think in the 2.1 update, they changed Sonic Shock again. Yes, it prevents enemies from alerting others, but it doesn't prevent the trace quickhack after Sonic Shock to maintain stealth. I believe Memory Wipe now works almost similarly to Sonic Shock before 2.1 because it allows you to upload combat quickhacks without getting traced.
Please test the sonic shock again. It doesn't prevent you from being traced.
Is that the legendary mono wire?