This is Proof the Cyberpunk Radio Listens to Us (Cyberpunk 2077) #cyberpunk2077

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Wait โ€™til the end yaโ€™ll. This game knows exactly when and how to break my little FIlipino heart ๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ˜ต๐Ÿ’” #cyberpunk2077 #cyberpunkedgerunners #cyberpunk2077game #edgerunners #cyberpunk2077gameplay #cdprojektred #cyberpunk2077funny #cyberpunk2077update


37 thoughts on “This is Proof the Cyberpunk Radio Listens to Us (Cyberpunk 2077) #cyberpunk2077”

  1. Kiwi didn't deserve to die here's my reasoning. For starters she just wanted to get out of a dangerous situation as she put her faith in the wrong person that being ferraday or whatever his name is. Second if anyone was put in kiwis situation where it was getting to dangerous we'd all do what kiwi did. And third while people say that kiwi deserved to die because she betrayed the gang while yes that is true she betrayed David and crew she just wanted out of a bad situation but put her faith in the wrong person

  2. I swear after that show came out, the song comes on 90% more often. Changed the radio to rock in your car the last time, nah brah as soon as you recall it back on the station that plays it.

  3. Iโ€™m not a big fan of anime but ended up watching it because I was deep in the cyberpunk universe and lore. One of the best shows ever. The song does hurt a little bit ๐Ÿ˜‚


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