This is Cyberpunk 2077 now…

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14 thoughts on “This is Cyberpunk 2077 now…”

  1. I bought game on release I still loved it bugs really weren’t an issue when I played and the story was amazing for me. The memes are pretty funny though

  2. Played the game on release with no issues other than frame rate on a 1660 super. Console was fucked for sure but PC wasn’t bad like everyone said, atleast for me on a low tier card.

  3. An unfinished, $60 game does not deserve a “shot”. The game was rushed and many, many fans bought it for a system (PS4, XBOne) CDPR advertised and sold as working even though it barely ran. They received the same if not less criticism than No mans sky yet that game was fully funcional and feature packed by the 2 year post launch. Pre launch hello games only had ~30 devs, which they expanded to around 150 iirc. CDPR have over 1000 people on payroll.

  4. I fully regret buying the game on release, not even 3 hours in i got soft locked multiple times on pc. Had to wait more than a month just so i can play a buggy game without crashing or soft locking itself. The backlash was 100% deserved.

  5. It wasn't blown out of proportion. The game was bug ridden to its core and was missing several immersive elements that were initially promised. It went beyond fun glitches to the point of game-breaking bugs. It's good that the game has done a complete 180° in that regard but don't pretend that the game was remotely what was advertised at launch.


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