The Tragedy and Comeback of Cyberpunk 2077

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Approximately three years ahead of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt’s May 2015 release, Polish game developer CD Projekt RED announced plans to develop a Triple-A project based on Mike Pondsmith’s Cyberpunk pen-and-paper RPG. Studio Co-Founder Marcin Iwiński promised the then-unnamed game would boast all the “hallmarks” of The Witcher series, its design molded with “mature and demanding players” in mind. The development team and Pondsmith expressed their confidence in the title’s ability to set a “new standard” for futuristic role-playing games, with “high production values” serving as the most significant goal. No one could have anticipated how short the resulting product would fall from expectations.

After a lengthy period of silence, the marketing blitz for Cyberpunk 2077 got off to an incredible start in June 2018, courtesy of an E3 presentation that would fuel years of hype and millions of pre-order purchases. Not even multiple delays and an eventually admitted lack of transparency could curtail interest, not when the neon-drenched streets of Night City and a Keanu Reeves-starring narrative seemed so enticing.

Upon launch, however, the glitz and glamor faded, obscured by missing textures, game-breaking performance issues, and a litany of other glitches that ruined the experience for players on consoles and high-end PCs. Those who spent eight years awaiting Cyberpunk 2077 were gifted a skeleton of CD Projekt RED’s vision, one so marred by mismanagement that the company’s hard-fought reputation seemingly plummeted overnight. Should the team find a way to right its myriad wrongs, many will still remember this once ambitious endeavor for having one of the most disastrous launches in video game history.

This is the tragedy of Cyberpunk 2077.

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36 thoughts on “The Tragedy and Comeback of Cyberpunk 2077”

  1. I'm play on a high end pc and still run into game breaking bugs and errors. But it's better overall for sure. I wish they mentioned the mod scene on nexus and how it improved the game.

  2. Cyberpunk became "cool to hate on" to the demographic of people that are suceptable to that sort of thing. The bugs on console sucked, no doubt, but outside of the bugs on the console versions the game was fantastic from the start.

  3. I finished the game just before 1.6 on 1.5 and I gotta say that despite some bugs, it's a damn good game! I'm looking forward to the DLC and I hope we see a new Cyberpunk sooner rather that later.

  4. it's amazing how they managed to kind of swing their reputation back with nothing but an anime lol. the game is identical but with some tweaks and bug fixes, it's still fundamentally the same not very good shallow RPG game (it's not an awful game mind you)

  5. I think CDPR is making the right decision to pull the curtain on CP77, go dark, lose some heat and come back swinging. Time's gonna have to heal that wound. Still ain't as bad as EA though – just won't ever pre-order a game again.

  6. I really hope they expand on this universe like they did with Witcher games.
    Now that they're moving to UE5 and going away from the Red Engine, it makes sense they cease work on 2077 after this upcoming DLC.
    But still such an amazing universe to explore.

  7. I had an appreciation for this game from the very beginning. The facial expressions, at least 2 different animations for both reloads, the locations, there was so much detail and thought behind the game. Meanwhile thanks to the project having a scale way out of CDPR’s reach, I was disappointed that it couldn’t run without crashing once every few hours. This game has a special place in my heart that will never fade away.

  8. Im new to Cyberpunk and i cant stop playing it. Characters are so alive and feel real. The story is deep and awsome…..Im just si tired hearing all these negative rants, haters and grumpy opinions.
    Im really enjoying the game, playing on patch 1.6. I will go as far saying this one best games i ever played, a true work of art.

  9. So sick of people defending this game. It objectively sux, even if it ran perfectly, it's no better than Fallout 4 and can't compare even in the slightest to Red Dead 2.
    Claiming otherwise is just obvious trolling.

  10. This game shouldve come out at minimum 5 years after it did.

    It's 2022 and it's still no where close to what we were promised at E3, it's not even the fault of the developers as corporate pushed the game out waaaaaaaay to early.

  11. When the full horror of the lies and betrayals of the executives and marketing department at CDPR had been realized, I prayed that the genuine masterpiece that could still be would eventually rise. All the pieces were there, or could be delivered as promised. The failure was never with the in the trenches devs. It was the profit now crowd that screwed it up.

  12. As long as the game has us playing as a terminally ill patient with no after ending free roaming like actually enjoy all that we achieved , its going to be a 4 out of 10 for me. Its basically far cry in a city. hire good writers for god sakes CDPR. whicher combat was jank AF and tbh other then the story and the side mission the NPCs were very assassins creed like. only thing kept it going was the atmosphere and awesome and unique weapons which I wish had more Customization like fallout but still the combat overall was fun especially if you get to know the controls like the AP capabilities of tech and rifles were pure joy. overall it was just a pretty picture. the open world aspect was just jank driving sim.

  13. The worst thing was the story line (if you call it that). Someone else is in your head (Jesus…), and the constant push for communism (bad companies, good poor guys), etc. The gameplay and fights weren't as bad.

  14. It never actually came back, it's not No Man's Sky story, they still failed badly, lied to us as customers, cut tons of content… Yet still, it's a good game for what it has to offer, but not great


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