The Secret To The SECRET Ending In Cyberpunk 2077 #Shorts

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This is the SECRET formula to the SECRET ending in Cyberpunk 2077 that most people are unable to get.


42 thoughts on “The Secret To The SECRET Ending In Cyberpunk 2077 #Shorts”

  1. why do u need to be kind of a dick with the whole "no you fucked that up too" in order to raise it to 70? I was nicer to him and mine was at 60. Shit makes no sense. Wouldn't johnny be MORE motivated to save you if you told him you and him still had a solid relationship? Instead of him already having fucked it up but being given a "second chance"?

  2. Depending on your relationship status with Johhny he'll comment differently on specific scenarios. So its best to keep it at 50% by calling out his bs.

    100%=Kissing Johnny's ass/sees V as a pathetic person, dialouge same as 0%

    50%= the sweet spot
    In cases when characters like Rogue ask Johnny's opinion of V, Johnny would speak positively of your character.

    0%=Hates your guts/ same as 100% Johnny sees you as a pathetic person

    But to get the secret wnding just require you to pick specific dialouge in chippin in

  3. I was proud of my decision. But since I want to experience everything I will just create another timeline where I was playing Chippin In and do it right and finish the story quickly. Then I can just go back to my latest save.

  4. Stupid liars saying they got the ending normally, oh sure, i always pick a specific dialogue options and go afk for a couple of minutes, that's how I always play


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