The Metal Heaven We Never Got | Cyberpunk 2077

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Greetings traveller, you safely made it to another dose of sadness. In today’s cut content exploration, we dive into Metal Haven; this place was once a hugely successful music shop that boasted a recording studio, tonnes of records and even borged out security.

However in 2077, this place is just a shell. There’s something here for sure, but it’s not really enough. Also, let’s have a gander around some unused verticality elements as well.

There’s a decent bit to unpack here so I hope you enjoy your stay.

Join the Kingdom! –


20 thoughts on “The Metal Heaven We Never Got | Cyberpunk 2077”

  1. Quick little note: I did clip inside the actual building and found a single NPC who would routinely spawn. They are invincible and can be seen dancing to something… interesting

  2. What annoys me is knowing they could have fleshed out ALL of this deleted content for the price of Idris Elba, Keanu etc. I worry about game devs that put so much weight on celebrity when there are perfectly good (actually, much better) voice actors who would be a lot cheaper. I doubt the voice actors for Baldurs Gate 3 commanded the same price but they are INFINITELY better.

  3. Cyberpunk 2077 originally had A LOT going for it that originally was in the beta viewing but had to cut so much content for time constraints. The whole entirety of Night City feels like it at least.

  4. this makes me so sad… The amount of potential this game has… Just if got more time to develop… FUCK! I need this game finished, with multiplayer, abandoned buildings completed, extra missions that were scraped aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Would love to see modders use Metal Heaven to make a questline with Johnny and the music store and then through that, it gives you access to the rest of the building as a home
    Garage would display all your owned cars and you could drive them out down the ramp to the street, apartment/gun range "hideout/armory" like a true legendary merc would have in NC and the gun store could convert into a bougie corpo style black market store like PL has in the Dogtown Market

  6. I think they left the lift because you can see it through the glass, and having something moving inside the building just makes it feel more interesting and alive from a distance

  7. Probably won't add a lot of it. Honestly CDPR is a typical normal ass game design studio, their producers aren't gonna let them do that much world building that doesn't relate to the main story beats. They're so typical they're even following the recent writing trend of "make all the endings sad somehow", because of course for some reason they've forgotten that we play games to get AWAY from the crippling depression of the real world… Could be the fact that they have good jobs making art, and that art is games. Having been on both sides of this dichotomy (game design and good times and game playing and bad times) I've got a unique perspective for someone who knows the industry…but honestly most of them are actually enjoying life unlike most of the rest of the world…so stories that only end with sorrow don't make THEM want to just end it all for lack of a viable form of escapist wish fulfillment (the wish that things will work out at least in the virtual world). I've got a great gal, so I don't jump, but there's plenty of gamers who don't have someone keeping them together.

  8. I cant imagine how much more content we would've gotten if they would've postponed the game 2 more years. They clearly had much more in mind. But well. The problem at the end is the engine as we learned. Maybe next game i guess 🙁


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