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Think Adam Smasher was unstoppable until he met V? Think again. Before you carve up Smasher yourself in Cyberpunk 2077’s main quest, he actually went toe-to-toe with another NC legend, one that is rumored to still be lurking in the NUSA and Night City. The legend of this Solo runs deep into Cyberpunk 2077’s history. Learn more about the legend Morgan Blackhand in this Cyberpunk 2077 lore video!
The Complete Cyberpunk 2077 History & Lore –
Cyberpunk 2077 Secret Character Conspiracy (Mr Blue Eyes) –
Do you think we will see this Night City legend in Cyberpunk 2077 DLC/Expansions? Let me know in the comments!
The Complete Cyberpunk 2077 History & Lore –
Cyberpunk 2077 Secret Character Conspiracy (Mr Blue Eyes) –
Beat smasher while he was in the Dai Oni, I could see it, PA's are tanks the the Dai Oni is a monster, but its also heavy 1250 kg so 2750 pounds, well over a ton. ITs as armored as a PA can be, but there are things that can cut through that, and if it was after the nuke went off, the Oni has massively enhanced senses, I'm sure all the EM and rads put out didn't play nice with those. Smashed up or fragile terrain where the Onis weight works against it, the right weapons, and the nuke playing havoc with things, plus black hand having likely had his pick of weapons going in, and not dumb enough to engage that much metal unless he had a upper hand, i could see it.
Mr. Blackhand
He wasn't a full borg. "Starts to list 100 things where one thing is known to make people go insane" xD
Perhaps in the dlc?
well the more and more we learn about the universe the more V starts looking like Neo himself THE CHOSEN ONE. he's ability to function with all the tech without having any side effects other then the one created by the chip is enough to make him stick out above the rest. V accomplishes everything that JHONNY, ROAG, BLACKHAND, MILITECH and so many more have tried and failed and no matter the ending V practically is doing it all solo and that is even more evident in the hidden ending. ARASAKA is practically destroyed by V with Militech taking control.
Blackhand: So how did you kill Smasher?
V: Beat him to death with a 15 inch dildo
Blackhand:…. Ok you win
That title Sus my guy
0:13 amogus
Portly? ._.
keep them coming!!!!
Is there any clues that Richard Alix Night somehow already turn into an Engram AI like Alt? And indirectly running the Night City? I can't shake the feeling that Mr Blue Eye could be Richard, the founder himself. Richard's Engram, personally speculate, be the core of Crystal Palace Casino.
Extra lore bits in Cyberpunk Red Lore book it states that Johnny was shot in half from Smasher with his shotgun which technically did happen, but one fact that got left out of the game is in the Lore book it says that Spider Murphy gave Johnny Silverhand a copy of Soul killer before he died now that doesn't add up because in 2077 we see in Silverhand memories that Saburo Arasaka gave Johnny Soulkiller not Spider however Cyberpunk Red is officially the canon version of the bombing, but Johnny flashback isn't.
I think it's a shame that blackhand didn't get the final hit with adam smasher, I would've loved that in 2077 adam didn't die but could ve scaped and maybe in Orion if we meet him, he would've had a chance to finally kill him, but sadly that's never going to happen, that would've been an epic fight
There is so much Cyber-ware you described in this video that I'd love to see added to the game-Muscle/Bone Lace & Rippers being top amongst them.
Doesnt matter, lore wise the “player char” is gonna be stronger. Were more chromed out that him LOL
Why no drinks from Rebecca kiwi, or Maine?
He better make an appearance in phantom liberty
There is a very easy and Canon way to prove he's alive
Walk into the afterlife for the first time
Jackie mentions Morgan by name as a regular
Claire tells you regulars who die spectacularly get a drink named after them
There is no drink named after him
Makes sense Johnny and Adam never really fought since it was shown Adam killing Johnny yet Was still used for Soul killer despite this. Also Morgan wasn't put in Soul Killer. I think Saburo got Morgan and Johnny mixed up. He wanted Morgan because of how close he was to Militech but because the 2 had cyberware arms and Johnny was leading one team, Saburo thought he was the mercenary Militech had that was a pain to their side. Heck, Johnny was probably the perfect scapegoat for Militech. Corporate attack from a rival military group staged as a terrorist attack by a man who openly showed hatred for corps. Saburo probably knew it was a Militech attack but didn't had proof to actually confirm this.
Expecting the edgerunner anime with legends like Blackhand and Bartmoss starring not some wuss gonks. It would be the logical approach for the lore to see 2020 characters.
Phantom Liberty might not include Morgan Blackhand as an NPC that we'll meet in person since he supposedly works for another Corpo now , but since it's pretty obvious Militech will play an important role in the upcoming DLC and that we'll likely be working with them as an extension of whoever is going to recruit V to serve the NUSA , we should at least be given a lot more information about Blackhand and his time with Militech .
Check your loud as hell volume.
Doubt we'll be seeing Morgan anytime soon. He's Pondsmith OC and havent been in any ttrpg for quite a while
V is a schizo cyberpsycho
I reckon alt and Johnny could come back. Think about the name of the dlc… phantom liberty and that's what they are essentially existing only in digital form. I'm thinking something similar to a simulacrum from titanfall lore, a human consciousness inhabiting a borg or synthetic avatar. The technology even being available would have crazy repercussions think altered carbon storyline… it would be dope.
In Cyberpunk Edgerunners David Martinez and his team are tasked by Wakako Okada to rescue the daughter of a VIP client who has been kidnapped by the Maelstrom and is currently being held captive in what seems to be the Totentanz. David's crew make short work of the gang members and face the leader, a giant cyberpsycho maelstrom armed with a giant hammer (could he be 'that' Hammer?). After finishing him off, David proceeds to extract the objective, a mysterious young woman named Morgan…
Can someone explain what happened with silver and black hand then? What was the actual story?
i always thought that Blackhand was Mike Pondsmith's player character from the tabletop game.
Morgan Blackhand doesnt just know every trick on the book, he wrote the damn book on how to be a Solo and when people though he was done he wrote yet another book on how to be the top solo
Morgan Black hand baby
Morgan is a protector of the weak, but v isn’t weak….
I wonder who will voice Morgan it'd be amazing seeing an 80s or 90s star so it like Bruce Willis
Pretty sure how it went down in 2020 was, Jonny plants the bomb, but also wants to slip Alt a backdoor out of Arasaka's network, then he is confronted by Smasher. Smasher wipes him and Jonny is carted away (note he blacks out after Smasher hits him) then he confronts Morgan and before they can settle it once and for all the bomb goes off, separating the living legends. That night was so hectic as is some continuity being fluid and up to headcanon comes with the terf.