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The Highwayman Cyberpunk 2077. How to do Cyberpunk 2077 The Highwayman quest.
00:00 Where to start The Highwayman Mission
01:32 Find James The Highwayman
03:55 Find out what happened to Josie The Highwayman
06:13 Find James and confront him The Highwayman
08:08 Find the stolen Tyger Claw Bike
You can complete Cyberpunk 2077 The Highwayman mission following this video guide.
Cyberpunk 2077 is an action role-playing video game developed by CD Projekt Red.
How did you know what the code to the garage was?
This was useful af thx
How tf did you find all this
Dude tried to fight me when I did this…it did not go his way let me tell you
Randomly stumbled on a body and followed this as there was NooooooWay I was figuring this broken ass mission out by myself. Thank you soo much!
Thanks men, really help me
It won't let me enter the keys on the keypad.
Thanks for this, very clear and precise information. I was able to complete this with ease! But sadly the bike wasn't in the garage for me…oh well lol that's just my shit luck!
happy gaming broskis, GG 

How the fuck was he able to punch in the code when it said authorized not found. But even though mine says authorized not found im not able to punch in the code, wtf ? ……And there is even 2 police officers out in front of the gate, so I decided to try this and shoot them both and then all of a sudden the gate opened with one female police officer inside.
But then I died because all the police force showed up shooting me.
if you would've chose the second option you would have gotten to kill him, cause he attacks you
Wtf on pc he says she died in a gunffight.. am doing this same mission rn on ps4 and thats pos said he set her up to get killed in gang beating cause she disrespected a tiger boss..
Someone said this is "very clear and precise information". No, it's not! First of all some commentary would've been nice. Also, he or she is going around the map so fast, not giving time to read locations without constantly pressing pause. It also would've been nice if Wow Quests told people how he/she found out this information or if he/she just stumbled upon it. When trying to do this quest myself, it seems that one must just go around the map hoping to eventually stumble upon something which is just bad mission design. I saw no clues whatsoever!
this side quest was interesting but half assed to say the least. You gotta find a garage by chance, find the boyfriend (basically by chance unless you have a crazy good memory for unimportant locations around NC), find the blood trail completely by chance (she wasn't even in the district that the boyfriend hinted at), and then you finally get a semi-narrowed down search radius to find the bike (the ghost horse doesn't even show up on the scanner like most important clues do).
This feels like one of those side quests modders have found that were left out of the game at the last minute, but they just said fuck it and threw it in there anyways thinking no one would ever find the garage anyways.
Man loved the game so much, but I gotta say this mission is the most incredible piece of just plain lame design I have witnessed in a game in many fucking years, I just can't fucking believe someone got paid to write this, just fucking lazy desing. Thanks for the guide man, the only way this can be solved, look a guide or have shitload of luck.