The Crunch Plaza Complex We Never Got | Cyberpunk 2077

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Oh good evening all, it’s a sweaty one over here in the UK. Hot, humid, sticky, could do with a cold shower right about now. But instead, I’m out here soaking through clothes to bring you a look at Crunch Plaza in Cyberpunk 2077.

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40 thoughts on “The Crunch Plaza Complex We Never Got | Cyberpunk 2077”

  1. With the amount cut from the game, it’s surprising they couldn’t add more. Or fast pace Cyberpunk 2 by the end pf the year. We will just have to wait for the Witcher game to finish.

  2. Could you do a mod that restores crunch plaza like the north oak casino? I'd love to see that,
    I have seen this place empty since 2020 and I was so sad that it didn't got updated with the latest updates

  3. Oh my goodness I was literally just there yesterday at the gun shop thinking this place was definitely supposed to have more to it. Especially since there is that fallen NCPD crate outside the elevator and I caught a glimpse of some NCPD police holograms on the bridge above.

  4. This game is such a masterpiece, the story telling in it is like no other. Such a shame that so much content had to be cut.. stunning city but you can’t help but start to feel like shit because you will come across a building or a place that was clearly cut. The game could genuinely have been the greatest game of all time with more time. Can’t wait for the sequel, hopefully they continue V’s story.

  5. was honestly thinking of learning amm to like build onto this place and possibly restore it but seems like that will be a far goal for me atm been playing 2077 as aiden from WD1 right now lol. i wonder though could you possibly re-enable that stuff like the cut props and possibly make that a mod? besides that stuff i was honestly also thinking of taking on the huge task of recreating the leaked moon DLC stuff 2077 has.

  6. CP2077 is a good game, but playing it I can’t help feel it’s missing a lot. The start of the game is great, so many choices and your choices have an impact, and same with the end of the game, but the whole middle of the game (except Kerry Eurodyne’s story) feel rushed and empty.
    Now Phantom liberty on the other hand is amazing and is what the rest of cyberpunk should’ve been like-detailed and atmosphere is amazing

  7. I think the fact that it’s called crunch plaza says a lot. Maybe the developers sending a small message, because it might be meant as “crunch” as in the gaming development being rushed. Maybe also why the A is so off center, could be intentional. Just my thoughts, no prove for that.

  8. A theory I came up with is that Metal Heaven was supposed to connect to the Johnny quest line/Samurai quest line, starting with the first quest you where suppose to sell them/bring the bootlegs you acquire to Metal Heaven which might have triggered the Samurai questline. To me it was so strange that after acquiring the bootlegs, they where never brought up again, and the whole Bootleg quest can be skipped if you want to complete the Samurai part of the game. I assume the Johnny questline was supposed to be longer and recruiting the old members of Samurai would've worked a bit differently, witg Metal Heaven would've been a central place for this Samurai quest.

    So something like this

    – You aquire the bootlegs, than bring them to Metal Heaven
    – Metal Heaven seller is impressed, and after some back and forth Johnny budged in and asked if you'd reunite the band
    – You'd got 3 recruitment missions for each bandmember. Rescue Nancy, blow up the UsCracks van and something related to Danny
    – You did the concert at Metal Heaven.

    Kerry was originally not supposed to be a loveintrest, and I assume they rearranged things around when they wanted Kerry to become a love intrest or had time constraint. Kerry's Love intrest quests are so strange, as they start pretty late into the game, where you have to basically complete all basic quests and completed all of Johnny's quests (except the bootleg quest). And with the exception of the first one they are non-combat missions. It feels like they quickly gobbled together the USCracks questline to have at least something for Kerry.

    Btw, you can walk on Crunch plaza without mods if you use dubblejumps/dash to climb over the fence.

  9. The main storyline and the branchin side missions from the characters like Judy's storiline, Panam's storiline, River's storilene which starts with a greate choosable sidequest and Kerry Euridine's storile are amazing and there are very well written sidemissions. I think these "unused" areas would heve been the real sidejobs, not gigs which are enjoyable but not real stories behind them.

  10. Unfortunately there is not enough information on this area to really pinpoint what exactly is supposed to be there besides the missing music shop but well I’m more excited about the leaks that there is another expansion in the works for Cyberpunk 2077

  11. Here's hoping (yet again) that the orion project gives us Night City as it was meant to be. When you see areas like this so underdeveloped and unused, left as just worldbuilding and filler to show the larger world, you can't help but feel robbed, but also wonder just what was going on behind the scenes that left the game in this state. Of course we all know about the crunch culture and the problems with the PS4 version that probably massively contributed to that as well.

  12. It truly makes me sad that this game will never be 100% complete as it was envisioned. What we got was pretty remarkable though, so I'm grateful; one of the most best stories/experiences I've had the privilege to partake in.

  13. I've noticed the elevators directly across the street from you at 2:24 also work fine. if you ride it up to the top floor and walk though the wall, there's a spot you can stand and walk around on as if at one point there was a top floor you could access from those elevators.

  14. So at 2:27 there are a bunch of blank yellow signs that move downwards into the floor, and I noticed you didn't bring those up at all. When you're walking/run jumping around that area, you can see more floor marks where these signs were. What do you think these things were for?

  15. I hope Cyberpunk Orion will be as full as 2077 was supposed to be. Just being able to go up stairs and us elevators to get access to catwalks that go over the roads is a breath of fresh air compared to being on the ground all the time. if they fleshed it out with vendors and other things like the gun store you saw, it would just make it feel more lively, and more like cyberpunk in a way. I really wish we got what we were promised in Cyberpunk, not to say it isn't good as it stands, but boy is it a different game than what we were told from the beginning.

  16. Cyberpunk 2077 doesn’t even scratch the surface of what this franchise is even capable of. This game oozes with passion and potential. Potential that was never taken advantage of. Orion must take advantage of this incredible universe.

  17. I stop by that gun store and sky bridges quite frequently and never knew I was only a few steps away from a cut area. Though I did noticed the oddly blocked off walkway in front of the gun shop and the VIP parking with no connection to any high-end businesses.

  18. A 'missing persons' sidequest Mod to this area would be a brilliant way to add something to it without revamping the entire area.
    It could be made as a hommage to the Devs during crunch, and have a bunch of "dev inspired" npc models (maybe as construction workers) dead scattered around the mall, with notepads describing clues to what went wrong with the development of the Mall.
    Say for example they were all worked to exhaustion, and were trafficked immigrant workers that had no other choice but to work until their deaths, due to the corpo investor rats contractually locking them here until it was complete or something. And killing them off when thier interestswent elsewhere?

    Regina could send you a text to scope it out from a tip from a journo or something. It would tie into her 'missing persons' mod nicely.

    It makes sense that maybe this was meant to be this way intentionally due to the games crunch, and the offset 'A', does signify the incomplete nature of the complex. Nice little unfinished easter egg haha

  19. I gueass it is hard to finance long term projects in night city. You get big idea, you find sponsors, but before the project is finished the finances get cut off for some reason. I imagine if not corruption, then the sponzor gets some lead in the head


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