Thank you CDPR animators – Cyberpunk 2077

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Moments from the Cyberpunk 2077🔥
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Author: 1Dimitri1
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#cyberpunk2077 #cyberpunk #cybermoment


41 thoughts on “Thank you CDPR animators – Cyberpunk 2077”

  1. Reading through the comments about this game, Battlefront 2, Anthem and other recent triple A titles have made me realized that a good amount of people don’t value their money nor common decency. I see a sea of people defending the predatory practices of these companies instead of holding them accountable so that they know we won’t tolerate their crap. But hey suck ups are the reason why things never gets better in this world.

  2. People in the comments and hater will never understand how ambitious this game was/is and don't understand the incredibky massive scale and bigger picture of the game because if they actually played it they'd realize it's a literal reflection of what happened to them , The higher ups that put their cry baby investors friends in the dev process making them cut hours and hours of gameplay and dialog that essentially led to this games down fall

  3. This entire comment section is prolly the reason we all got a buggy nasty version at launch seems like 75% of you don't realize you're the problem with videogames, and how we can't have a final build of something since like 2016.

  4. Seriously saying thanks to animators/devs and whatnot for doing their job? Did they give you the game for free or wut?

    This kind of behaviour within gamers makes companies shit at us by deploying unfinished games and still getting praise…

  5. I see the "devs good management bad" argument continuously made and I disagree. The biggest problem with the game wasn't the timeline, they had years to work on things. The problem is that the devs (or maybe management) had too big of an ego. After making several super successful games, they ignored the biggest rule in game dev – limiting the scope of your game. You cannot try to make a game that does everything. You have to be willing to cut ideas and features no matter how attached you are to them. Limitations are what drive creativity and innovation. Working without constraints just creates the unfinished bloated mess we got.

  6. Don't want to underestimate the work of CDPR because I love them, mostly for "The Witcher" franchise, but you should check Tarkov animations, for me, the greatest animations for everything ever.


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