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Let’s take a look at Cyberpunk 2077 running on an Nvidia RTX GeForce RTX 3080 with an Intel 10900K with 32GB DDR4. We’ll take a look at the performance of the game running at 4K, with Ray Tracing enabled, and how the game is basically unplayable at maximum quality without heavy usage of DLSS if you wish to game at 4k.
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Honestly I think they made the game depend SO much on DLSS even on top hardware simply to give AMD the finger, because DLSS is NVIDIA-exclusive for the newer cards(not even the older ones).
Now is the time to sell your 3080/3090 before its too late🤪
Is he playing a game or does he try to destroy his keyboard?
The Witcher 3 ran like poop until 6 months worth of patches were released
I love when the PC community buys top end parts and full priced games only to get a crap experience
Here I am with a higher mid rig 6 months later with a better experience lol
Turn the "Cascaded Shadows Resolution" from high to medium. Boost almost two times the fps. There 🙂
Some more tweaks that helps:
Chromatic Aberration = OFF
Film Grain = OFF
Motion Blur = OFF
Depth of Field = OFF
Lens Flare = OFF
Contact Shadows = OFF
Improved Facial Lighting Geometry = OFF
Anisotropy: 16
Local Shadow Mesh Quality, Local Shadow Quality, and Cascaded Shadow Range are all on high
Cascaded Shadow Resolution = Medium
Distant Shadow Resolution = High
Volumetric Fog Resolution = High (turned down from ultra)
Volumetric Cloud Resolution = High (turned down from ultra)
Max Dynamic Decals = High (turned down from ultra)
Screen Space Reflections Quality = Ultra
Subsurfance Scattering Quality, Ambient Occlusion, Color precision, Mirror quality, and Level of Detail are all on High
In my belief, the Nvidia 3080/90 and AMD 68/6900 XT GPU’s will be midrange GPU’s that will play next gen games at 2K 60fps by the end of next year… Cyberpunk clearly brought these new GPU’s to their knees and these cards just came out. If you’re on a budget buy a Series X or PS5. If you have more $$$ get ready to drop some money because anything that’s not Nvidia or AMD’s top end cards are a waste of time and money.
Turn off the rt gi but keep shadows and reflections.
He TOTALLY threw up @ 3:00
RX 470 + VRam OC 1950 and game runs with decent FPS at 1080P Medium Preset *stock Vrams = bandwidth bottleneck
Drivers not optimized enough with your lies. Get over it amd fan boy
He walked straight through the elevator door for me too
Today's Patch bumped up the game about 10-15 FPS overall, but holy hell its demanding af. This game punishes my EVGA RTX 3090. I was able to make a couple tweaks and mostly sustain 60FPS in 4k with the game settings cranked up, but still the Ray Tracing in this game defiantly tanks it.
Hello I am using a rx 5700 xt with a 3900x and running the game at 5120x1440p (ULTRA WIDE). I have custom settings on to reach 30 – 45 fps and still give back a pretty picture and plus with a freesync display it was a smooth experience. [NOW THE SETTINGS I USE] Contact shadows [ON], Improved Facial Lighting [ON], Anisotropy [16x], Level of detail [HIGH], Ambient occlusion [HIGH]. After testing I decided to drop the res to 3840x1080p(ULTRA WIDE) and was able to get 55-60 fps solid.
This game is even more insanely broken & buggy than even I expected.
Stupid game, stupid engine, retarded optimization.
But I was expecting this, every AAA game that has related with nvidia is retardedly optimized to force people to buy overpriced cancer GPU's from nvidia.
latest Nvidia drivers are useless !!!, try old one you will be surprise
Nice video. Seems like not many are gonna be able to play and enjoy the game.
That's 1080p at DLLS Ultra performance
Are we forgetting how demanding Flight Simulator can be?
4 fps with dlss off,,,, and thats on an 3080… Maybe Arm gpu can run this game after 5 years at full Settings..
threadripper 1950x with 2080 ti. gpu usage around 30% maximum whatever the settings, 30-40fps
Lol I have Gtx 1080 Which is struggling to get 60fps consistent With medium presets at 1080p wheares PS5 Performs better than gtx 1080 with same level of graphics and With higher resolution (1200p)In this game 😱😱😱😂😂😂
With all of performance measurements and bugs people lost everything CP77 tell to all of you. It is not FPS as Quake, CS, BF. It is story about all of you, about your society. Al of you are dumb as wood.