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#CohhCarnage #gaming #trending #cyberpunk2077
Bethesda cities are just way to small😊 even more so in this one as there are to many rando generated people waltzing around with no homes 😊 the buildings are to smol
Indeed, Night City is better
Reminds me of Coruscant
Dont think they are comparable but hey what ev
Yeah no, sorry. Night City is just a better city altogether. XD
I picked Neon street rat thinking it would be like Night City. When I got there I was so so disappointed. Not only is the quality worse, but its so damn small
Never thought I'd say cyberpunk looks and plays way better. I was so hyped for starfield, even took a week off for it..
Neon is literally a fkin mall. And all the "crime" and "underworld" shit is so pathetic. Doesnt feel dystopia or dangerous at all. The clubs even worse feels like a nerd made it 😂
Starfield is a fail. You can uplift it all you want. Ha Haa
An RPG is supposed to be immersive, Starfield isnt.
Nuff talk you foos
You would be surprised even in the badlands there is neon 🧐👀.
Its not really comparable, but I think people are disappointed with Night City for being pretty dull and empty when advertised as a dense busy city.
Lmao Starfield is trash. Only delusional shitbox users think it’s better than anything else 😂😂😂 it’s a flop.
Nah cyberpunk city is amazing
i wanted Neon to be huge, like Night City huge, all major cities need an improvement and need more life to the cities
Someone said neon, the glorified catwalk of starfield was good 😂😂😂😂😂
I love Starfield so far it’s my favorite game. But comparing it to cyberpunk makes no since? Neon is neon and night city is something more
I mean you can see a different similarity to them but the Cyberpunk 2.0 looks really good now but you do have to admit Neon looks like a Cyberpunkish fishing city imo
weirder still are all those comparisons to GTA or red dead and CBP. I think the newer generation is stupid or uneducated.s
The SF community marketing train has not only derailed but is now on an non-stop express into the centre of the earth.
Night city has life. Neon idk havent played the game and might not.
Idk but neon feels more cyberpunk like. While night city is just basically new york in the future.
What word these people living in…
Night city LOOKED FANTASTIC but was So dead!!
Besides your mission waypoints,night city was emoty ..
At least EVERY DOOR is enterable un Starfield and more than 25%of npcs have side quests
I feel like neon is a little under developed like it's not up to it potential but I never had the time to properly explore night city and I will even say no neon is not better.
Night city just has more to it.
After playing Starfield, I went back to Cyberpunk after the 2.0 hype. Starfield is so much better to me. Walk around the city in Cyberpunk, it's so dead.
Exactly Starfield was alright but most of the game was hub areas that were no bigger than a single street of cyberpunk.
Cyberpunk is like a bustling city in comparison, and Starfield is more of a low effort street with nothing going on except hard cope from Xbox fan boys.
Im annoyed that Starfield is like 120+gbs and Cyberpunk with the dlc is like 80gbs, but the visual quality is like night and day even without max graphics and all the ray tracing junk. What is all my storage being used for bethesda D:?
how tf can someone think that neon is better than night city 💀
Starfield fanboys have become unbearably obnoxious.
You can tell Bethesda added it because Cyberpunk was popular. Which goes into my “proof that Bethesda fails to be original”.
Todd is only capable of imitation. Its just never been this obvious before. Absolutely everything in starfield is from somewhere else, just severely watered down.
may need to look at the neon in different environments. But cyberpunk is way ahead of its time.
Commodore 64 graphics vs 2023 graphics
Swtor Nar Shadda
Ive never played cyberpunk but good god neon aint better than any city or town that you show me it needs more random violence it needs to be bigger and flashier
Neon feels like a Disney ride of Night city. As someone who likes Starfield, Night city blows the majority of Starfield out of the water