SCI FI SUNDAY! | Halo 2, Cyberpunk 2077, Mirrors Edge

Read more about Cyberpunk 2077➜

As the title says! Another sci fi Sunday! Continuation of Halo 2, as well as Cyberpunk 2077. Mirrors Edge Catalyst and The OG! A Quite the lineup today, would like to wait for the majority of the supporters to pull up before we get into the meat! A huge thank you to the Sosa family! Your support and dedication mean the world to me! I couldn’t have reached this goal without each and every one of you! You are the heart and soul of this community, and I hope you feel just how appreciated you are through every moment we share here.

*New Chat Commands*
!afk – when you’re gonna be away from chat let Sosa know with a quick message!
!uptime – how long you have been watching the stream!
!sosa – special message from sosa!
!lurk – if you’ll be watching but can’t comment for a moment!
!addcommand – mod can add a command (Specify command and Sosa will help make the code)
!removecommand – mod can remove a command (Specify command and Sosa will help delete the code)
!jedi – for a light side inquirer
!balance – grey jedi; balance in the force
!sith – for a dark side inquirer

*Loyalty Points*
Loyalty points can be used to buy sound effects and visual effects Sosa will provide to enhance the personability of the stream! – Sosa

!pts – the amount of loyalty points accumulated!
!ptstop – the top 10 most loyal Sosa supporters!
!tip – donate to Sosa (DO NOT Donate if you are under 18!!)

*Sosa Store* Where you redeem and use your points! (!store)

(You can redeem in the chat, with commands below, OR visit the loyalty page @

!redeem – allows you to redeem items from the chat
!Cj – CJ Quote
!huh – Huh?
!doge – Wut da dog doin?
!wut – what if i am the bad guy?
!sithlord – a sith lord?
!no – vaders iconic noooo
!bully – want some dirt in your eye?
!later – can you handle the neutron style?
!myman – aint no lovin that man
!slyfail – fail sound from sly 2
!wait – intermission
!angry – benson gets angry at Mordo and Rigbone
!sk8fail – fail sound from the THPS games

You do !redeem {command}, so example would be !redeem !cj


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