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Scan the apartment’s security systems The Information Cyberpunk 2077. How to do Cyberpunk 2077 Scan the apartment’s security systems quest. You can complete Cyberpunk 2077 Scan the apartment’s security systems The Information mission following this video guide. Cyberpunk 2077 is an action role-playing video game developed by CD Projekt Red.
That was confusing.
This game is such a huge letdown for me.
Pretty cool way to do this 💖
Guys if you’re having trouble check the thermal layer.. I know it doesn’t tell you but back it up after atom gets in the elevator, switch to thermal and you’ll see stuff to scan. Hope this helps!
worst fucking quest ever
Dude once you learn the system and how to work it shit becomes fun. Quit bitching
Thanks a lot, You saved me, I was only missing the damn ceiling sensor, and I never saw it in almost 45 minutes of despair.
help ive been soft-locked in this mode. t-bug said i can exit but there is not option to exit
The last item I was missing was the alarm system lmao
Wow I got all that before and thought I was missing stuff, guess i got everything 😂
Mine glitched still had a yellow bar at 2:12 smh looking for 10 minutes
The game is so horribly made even the walkthroughs are shit and hard to see.
i scanned everything and the mission didn't end…wtf??
That was tough for me because I was looking for a flying bot that was controlling outside but I can see now. This is not the case thanks a lot this video is very very helpful.
Please tell me i dont have to do this again 😪
It’s like Youtube knows what I’m trying to type…
You can’t always find everything 100% because it bugs out!! The camera on top didn’t exist on my game.
How to scan?
What button do u press to scan? I’m on the ps5.
Thank you very much ur a hero