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00:00 – Ad
00:12 – 1080p Custom Ultra Settings
05:31 – 1440p Medium Settings
● CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 3600 4.2GHz
● GPU: AMD Radeon RX 5700 XT 8GB (THICC 2 ULTRA)
● COOLER: Gamdias Chione E1A
● RAM: XPG Spectrix D41 16GB (2x8GB) 3600MHz
● PSU: Cooler Master MWE 650W 80 Plus Bronze
● HDD: Seagate Barracuda 4TB 7200RPM
● SSD M.2: Adata XPG Spectrix S40G 256GB (NVMe)
● SSD SATA: Kingston A400 240GB x2 (480GB)
● OS: Windows 10 Pro 20H2
● CASE: Lian Li O11 Dynamic HOF
#Cyberpunk2077 #RX5700XT #AMD
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(Don't forget to use my 3% Discount Coupon: GERALT)
00:00 – Ad
00:12 – 1080p Custom Ultra Settings
05:31 – 1440p Medium Settings
rx 580 on 1.04 please
Cara, mesma gpu aqui e mesma ram…
Só o processador é mais antigo, e eu nao consigo 60 frames nem ferrando…Gpu fica com uso baixo, assim como o processador..
e não entrega os quadros.
Have you tried the RX 5700 XT at 1440p and at high or ultra settings?
Cara obrigado pela dica de configuração. Com esse preset conseguindo algo como 50-60 com picos de 70 na Vega 56. Ruim são as quedas bruscas que acontecem do nada. Tô usando Ryzen 3600 com Memo 2400 single, acredito que atrapalha tbm.
Its crazy i have the same rig but i dont even pass 40 no idea wtf is going on being trying to find out but nothing , i even set all to low and still get 30 =40 frames out i nthe city , its like the settings im changing having no effect on frame rate
Yeah as much as i look forward to playing the game, i'll wait a few weeks for the to fix the bugs and performance issues.
Don't want my experience to be ruined by shit fps and bugs.
That 1440p footage looks like garbage.
pls test patch 1.04. Their have been reports of better performance in low end gpus soooo maybe we get improvements as well
What Texture settings are you running???
I average 58fps on 2k resollution with a lot of the options set to high..
With a small undervolt and vram tuning I got a 67 FPS average on 1440p medium. The lowest I dipped is 52 I think when I got in a gunfight with 30+ enemies on screen, solid for a sub $400 gpu
At least it’s a better experience than on Xbox or ps4 getting 720p at 15-25 fps
do u have rtx 2060
I dunno the game looks not as good as I expected. Raytracing makes it look way better tho.
I experience a lot of Textures popping up on any Setting.
Vou falar em português porque sei que você é BR.
Tudo no Ultra cai FPS do nada, né?
Ache que fosse só comigo, porque meu processador é da geração anterior
currently got my old RX 480 8GB Card… was thinking of making the jump to 5700XT.
Can you please do Ark with
Ryzen 3 3100
Rx 580
16gb ram
Tô surpreso no quanto essa placa é fria comparada com outras.
First game version my gpu rx 5700 xt was like jet engine 82 C°. With 40 fps. Then after new update it become bit better. But the game still broken
I play on 5700XT in 1400p on all high. 40-50 fps, no OC.
What benchmark are you using?
my rx 5600 xt med and high at 1080p doesn't make a difference in city. it dropped to 35fps most of the time. even lowered the cascade shadow and volumetric settings. i have mix feeling about this game tbh.
You have no idea how much I needed this video, These settings made my gameplay SO MUCH better! Thanks again, Geralt!!
Hi bro, I have same specs, and im getting this visual issue that whenever I move (running or driving) is like the resolution goes lower or something like that… any fix for this? It is getting me crazyy dude…
What about FidelityFX? Using this on 1440p with med-high settings and getting 75-95 fps
I spent 400 bucks for a 5700xt earlier this year. Never ever again will I spent so much money for a PC. Could have bought a PS5 and I would have played it at mostly 60 frames…
Guys after passing the heist mission, my car is missing xD, can someone help me to get it back please
I look this video with my old rx 5500xt OC
Just using the High preset, I’m getting 62-90 FPS. Haven’t seen a dip below 60 yet but 62 is close for sure. I have the Taichi 5700 xt, Ryzen 7 3700x, and 32Gb RAM at 3600 CL18
This seems to run wayyy better than what I was expecting after all the negative press. Still waiting to play until most important bugs are fixed though.
Maybe suggest you wish to tweak 1440p settings. Have a similar pc here and have the 72fps at 1440p. Watched a benchmark video that was very good and some settings in the Cyberpunks have little to no effect when left at high but certain ones just tank performances very bad. Hopefully they not take long for patches and optimized graphic setting.
Hey, I have the same video with Ryzen 5 3600 processor but cart gets overheated on low settings and crash with green screen seconds after I run it. Any ideas?
For all of those who is got AMD Ryzen CPUs – you can gain up to 23% in game with this fix apparently:
Anyone know why this game causes my GPU utilization to look like a heart rate monitor? Im only getting 15fps with a 5700xt and a ryzen 7 2700x
Cam you help me? My dog died but now he just come back every night and eat my food.
I have ryzen 3500x and Rx 5700xt What can İ do, my monitör 60hz 4k
For those 5700xt owners: kindly try out this optimization guide I made for 60 fps peformance at 1440p.
This game is a perfect example of why overhyping stuff never works out. I refunded this game because its really boring and doesn't even look that good.
cara o meu no carro e em cenas como as plantas por exemplo e algumas coisas fica tremida no monitor, ou chuviscado sabe como resolver? n csg uma config pra esse jogo pra ajeitar esse bug msm rx 5700 xt aqui ;/
Which version of windows are you using? Bought a 5600xt and crashes with black screen on booting windows is 20h2
Thx for this, I’ll be playing on 1440, I don’t care about being a little more under 60 FPS if I get better small details
I’ll probably play cyberpunk 2077 at ultra 1080p with a 5700XT and 9700k.
How are your GPU temps so low? I have the same CPU and GPU and my temps are above 80C on the medium preset
Guys there is a way to improve the quality of SSR? I must disable this shit cuz is grainy and blurry on surfaces. I play with DF settings on 3600x with 5700xt nitro and without SSR i keep 60/70 fps out city and 50/55 inside. Ps patch 1.05 is still a shit with gpu drop around 70% in intensive scene and cpu up to 80!!!!
How do you keep ur temps so low?
why is my temperature so high?