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if done right NFTs in GTA6 online actually might be good for unique property's that only one player can own at a time
so this is how i think a good implementation of NFT in a GTA6 online would work
you have apartment's they are not unique and they just cost in game currency these are for people who do not care and just want to play the game and then you have the unique houses and mansion that cost premium crypto currency that are the NFTs and you could use the NFT as the title to the house or mansion so only one play can one it at any given time and no one else can own it until they sale it so it works like real-estate in real life and that way if you bought one and then later sold it you would actually get crypto back that you could then exchange back to real money now how dose R* make money simple they are the ones who own and sale the property first as an initial payment and then every time the property sales R* takes a cut like a sales tax that is payed by the byer not the seller
this is about the only thing i think using NFTs and Crypto could be used for that would be good
and then because you would have a lot of unique interiors you could use them as places to burglarize but it should not effect the owner just help the burglar as a way to make some quick cash
and they can keep their current model for micro transactions but also have the crypto you buy and use to buy and sell unique property with
Take-Two CEO, how hard differenciate that?
Why is there a constant beeping sound in all your videos? It's in the background but I'm sure many can hear it.
Been meaning to ask you for months.
Take-two/Rockstar are into NFT's now? That's it, they are dead to me.. No more will i ever buy anything from them ever again, screw NFT's and every scumbag that supports them.
It seems a trend where a a game has been hyped for years and comes out unfinished, buggy and not as advertised. It's now a case of knowing a game will come out unfinished but rolling the dice on wether a developer sticks with the game and eventually fixes it or do an EA special and take the money and run .
Cyberpunk for me was a huge let down and I played for about an hour and was like no! I did have a feeling it would do a no man's sky so actually looking forward to playing that later this year . Battlefield 1 for me was the last good game in the franchise and I genuinely loved it, made lots of friends and it set the tone for me looking forward to what was BF5 🤮. Just never sat right with me, I gave it a go but just felt all over the place . Battlefield 2042 I played an hour ! I deleted the game and will never buy again ! In fact I play Hell let loose now, has its issues but best milsim out their in my opinion.
Fallout died at fallout 4 and I'm hoping that with Microsoft they will have some quality control !
Just downloaded Elden ring so looking forward to that, hoping it will restore my faith in AAA titles .
17:45 "Industry Standards" So the game as sold was acceptable. Makes me sick that this is an "industry standard" .
And people ACTUALLY try to defend EA… Just, wow…
Battlefield can be good buts it's always something. And with cod you know what you're getting
I haven't bought a FPS wargame for a long time, had a quick go on battlefield 5 and not gonna lie it reminded me of medal of honour ps1 and medal of honour ps2 and medal of honour ps3 also COD and modern warfare. When I played battlefield 5 it reminded me of FIFA same sh** slightly better graphics. How many times do you have to play the same game over and over again because slightly better graphics. Ubisoft, Bethesda, Activision, T2 and EA can all go and suck on some herpes infested balls for multiple reasons main one being that they are of poor quality
These companies are evolving and the people who once made our beloved games are no longer there. Message received!
Of course rockstar ceo wants nft s
Nobody wants NFTs! No one except the crypto scammers. I just want a Bully 2, I don't even care if it has a money hungry online mode at this point.
All I can hope for is New Vegas 2 becomes a thing. As long as Bethesda isn't the one developing it.
lmao I killed the tree sentinel with base stats and weapons. only took me 10000 deaths.
Elden Ring is the Dark Souls of BoTW Types.
The gaming Meta is folding in on itself.
Someone should tell Rockstar that NFTs and speculation are not mutually exclusive.
Put timestamps you Pepega
"Bringing consumers what they want" does not include NFTs the vast majority of players despise them so if GTA6 has them then I hope it flops harder than Battlefield 2042
Activision has one chance with the year off, if they come back with ANOTHER bad cod game 😬😬😬
Zelnik acting like people can relate to a rich penny pinching asshle…. No buddy, you are leader of those who destroyed the GTA franchise.
Oh boy i want to see DA4 or ME4 really pull it off but expectations are very low as for for CP2077 Update 1.5 its how it should HAVE BEEN AT RELEASE my return was temporary since there is no NG+ ugh as times goes on (over a year already) i feel whatever content CDPR add to CP2077 wont be enough as there are still issues with the game i am atleast glad they haven't abandoned CP2077.
Yep, rockstar is at it again.
25:32 now that crazy cow is now "creative lead" for D&D. thank the gawds for Chris Perkins holding tight control of his side of D&D.
Fall out Forbes writing is actually not that bad the story's twist is amazing
Boy, you complain a Lot.
We need less Strauss Zelnicks and more Phil Spencers
No escapism can be allowed
The arrogance of Rockstar will be their downfall.. if they keep continue, they’ll collapse in on itself.
My guy, this is just the tip of the EA fuck-up iceberg as of the last couple weeks. My GF is a sims4 fan and was hellllla excited for their new wedding DLC. She paid $20 and not one feature in the trailer actually works. Thought you might be interested
Eh cyberpunk getting ignored on last gen
If you buy a game on day 1, or especially or pre order it, or if you spent $70 on BF2042 you’re an idiot
Rockstar wants NFTs, while everyone else wants GTA6……………NFTs are stupid and NOT buying any game with it EVER.
Ubisoft is the dullest game company with the dullest and blandest made games. Nobody is knocking on their doors! The Scott Malkinson of game developers world
Cant believe EA messed up Dragon Age and Mass Effect franchise
I don't care if Elden Ring is good or not. I hate Soulslike games. I just wish fanboys would shut the fuck up about it.
Yeah no. Fuck NFTs, fuck microtransactions. I pay once for the game and get the whole deal in one transaction. Miss me with that dystopian capitalist bs.
You better bring as many Fallout OGs into the project as possible.