Robot JoyToys in Cyberpunk 2077: Door Codes and Hidden Rooms

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Secret Rooms, Door Codes, JoyToy Robots, and Hidden rooms in Cyberpunk 2077. Video shows all 5 holographic (hologram) JoyToys (from 12th floor Clouds in Megabuilding H8) and compare their movesets as well. Next, Leah Gladen’s 3rd floor apartment in Japantown (Westbrook) uses a door code of 2137 on a panel. Once inside, scan a hidden room behind a vending machine, and press a secret button to open it. This mission is part of the “Greed Never Pays” Gig. Finally, see Militech Robot JoyToys in Cyberpunk 2077. Two robots are found in Room 202 of Dewdrop Inn located in Santo Domingo district. Video shows how to enter by spawning a car outside the apartment walkway by positioning V in a correct place on the rooftop. Then drive the car next to the door and exit to force open the door to view the two Militech robots (named Drew Cross and Aidan Berry). One robot sits on the couch and watches a second JoyToy robot performing on the floor. All dance movesets of the JoyToy robot are shown. Gameplay on Cyberpunk 2077 for PlayStation 5 (PS5).

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