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Welcome all to a video I’m seriously excited to bring you guys. This is my first attempt at trying to rebuild the unused casino in Cyberpunk 2077 with the help of mods. Hopefully this will be of interest, you know, seeing something so infamous slowly become something a bit more.
0:00 – Intro
1:00 – Floor
5:03 – Walls
7:30 – Lighting
9:00 – Creating the room
Join the Kingdom! –
Really cool idea! As someone who relies on the conveniences of game engines, this would drive me mad with how tedious it seems. Really impressed with how good you made it look even with such primitive modding tools. Would love to see more of this
This is what we need for locations to hang around! And the black sapphire casino is a big thing too, cant understand why they wont let us in for hanging around there and enjoy us these locations. Ununderstandable for me
This gotta be the most depressing video series on youtube…would you pls stop showing us all this awesomeness we DIDNT GET? Its seriously depressing lol 😂
"Scary Abbys where Margaret Thatcher lives"
I got a great value of content for my time. Thank you.
I think overall modders should come together to rebuild these abandoned places
this is wicked, kudos 🙂
i subbed, i wish you nothing but the best mate.
yo man i found a left over area in the badlands farther than the biotecnika plains, is white and it has some stuff in there (sorry for my bad inglish i am a tacko eater spanish guy)
It should be possible to adjust the vertices of the collision-floor. As the texture doesn’t matter, you’ll just pull the vertices to cover the entire floor with one plane. You could even remove the materials from the collision-floor as it won’t show anyway.
Then add the wooden floor on top, copy the z-axis coordinates and paste copies with the same z-coordinates.
The more junk you start to fill in, the more calculations are needed. Better to have one overarching plane than multiple ones.
When you have two planes with different materials at the same x-coordinates, you’ll see flickering of the textures. It’s a lazy habit to not make sure one plane is slightly over the other to avoid flickering textures.
The project seems interesting in itself, though. Good luck, and hopefully we’ll see a functional mod we can download in the future.
Nice work! Is it possible for vou tô place this in Redmod/ Nexus Mods later?
I can't wait to see progress on this!
Great work for a first video. Love the unused content videos and can't wait to see what this turns into.
It baffles the shit out of me that CDPR didn't release modding tools for CP2077 like Bethesda does with their games.Imagine how much game content could the modding community create….
Hey! How feasible would it be to make a total conversion mod? Can you remove the whole night city, npcs, missions, vehicles and have a basic flat terrain of some sort?
The modding of unused area has begun, 10 more years and the game will finally be fully completely
I would play with mods but honestly super afraid to right now in case CDPR put out another update which would mess all the mods up. I love the updates but I want a clear knowledge on when the FINAL update is out
"Fall into some scary abyss where Margaret Thatcher lives"
As a fellow British man, pure gold xD
Pls make more Restoring Videos love it xD
Keep up the good work
Nice work, hopefully CD Project Red will release some of the dev tools once they are done with patching.