Quest Director plays Cyberpunk 2077! #45

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On the last stream, we have jump into Cyberpunk 2077’s intrigues, did multiple gigs and discussed various game development-related matters!

Cyberpunk 2077 is an open-world RPG that I have co-created. As I love talking about design, storytelling, and psychology in games, I have started streaming on Twitch and discussing it all with my audience.

My goal is to share everything I have learned over a decade in the AAA games industry, openly exchange ideas, explain creative decisions and encourage the next generation of game designers and storytellers to create.

My socials:

Timestamps for your viewing experience:

0:00​​​ – Music
04:53 – The stream starts
14:00 – Discussing new Top Gun
14:47 – Making Cyberpunk in California
15:44 – Plot of Cyberpunk: Edgerunners
17:40 – Commenting on ARG game
21:55 – Takedowns in the game
23:05 – Building two projects in the same time
25:10 – Battling tiredness/stagnation on long projects
27:12 – My first gamedev projects
30:44 – Lenght of the hiring process
32:35 – Consumables for a survival game
34:32 – Game Director vs Creative Director differences
36:30 – Back to playing the game
38:42 – Gig: Oliver Branch
39:10 – Base game vs. expansion
43:03 – Studio’s internal change
45:10 – Quality expectation
47:40 – Nostalgia and fan service
51:20 – Talking to Sergie
52:20 – Recruiting veterans
54:10 – Characters and Architecture
58:00 – Alt and BlackWall
59:00 – Hight differences in NPCs
1:01:40 – Portfolio of Concept Artist
1:09:00 – Releasing Alex from the trunk
1:17:05 – Gig: We have your wife
1:24:00 – Tyger Claws’ warehouse
1:34:00 – Tyger Claws’ basement
1:36:00 – Solving creative disagreements
1:42:10 – News out of leaks
1:43:00 – Meeting Lauren
1:46:40 – Saved Lauren
1:47:42 – My role during Cyberpunk 2077
1:56:00 – Back after a technical issue
1:57:00 – Building Night City
2:02:00 – Gig: Shrine Defiled
2:03:40 – Traditional and contemporary
2:05:15 – Internships in Quest Design
2:08:30 – Inspirations for the Night City
2:15:10 – V changing clothing
2:21:10 – V in disguise
2:26:20 – FF06B5
2:32:00 – Scanning faces for the game
2:33:00 – Creating semi-transparent objects
2:39:30 – Shootout in the shrine
2:57:20 – Difference between news and gossip
2:58:25 – Tracking issues
3:01:02 – Gig: A lack of Empathy
3:03:40 – Playing and reviewing content
3:06:58 – Rogue changes her mind
3:08:00 – Getting into the Empathy
3:13:10 – My current role in CDPR
3:16:00 – Bugs montages
3:27:40 – Facing Adam Ibramovic
3:29:10 – Logo of Aldecados
3:35:52 – Closing thoughts
3:37:53 – Stream ending
Thank you for watching!


20 thoughts on “Quest Director plays Cyberpunk 2077! #45”

  1. honestly I just want to applaud you as you are a rare breed of game dev that actually plays the game they helped create

    there are so many game devs out here that just don't play their games at all and I noticed it leads to a lot of issues in game that get overlooked so I commend you for being a dev who actually plays their game

  2. awesome streams! one question; myself and many I know want a 3rd person option for Cyberpunk 2077 – that for many I think will be the difference if they gonna buy or not. to be able to see the gear and your character interact in the world, huge miss for me. otherwise a really great game in many ways.

  3. Hey Pawel, on the 2013 flashback, Johnny and Rogue have the same style and look as in 2023 would you guys consider making younger versions of them since the flashback takes 10 years prior to the Saka nuke? Even in the lore for the table top there is a conversation between Johnny and Murphy when she was hacking the door about how they changed their looks since they last seen each other. Thanks once again for a great stream, hope to catch you live next time!

  4. I know it's not directly in your hands but I just hope we can get the confirmation if there's going to be 1 or 2 expansions. I am fone with 1. A little disappointed but fine. However an official conformation will be nice.

  5. Ultimate stealth stream 😀 Jokes aside i love how each gig gives players multiple option to apporoach their objective, I think this is one of the most strong elements of Cyberpunk 2077, In my playtroughs i mostly try to be stealth because it feels more realistic and make me feel like Ghost of Night City 😛 But also in some quests i straight up go guns blazing to put a fear in my enemies reason for it as an example one of the quests i learned that people who i'am hunting doing human trafficing or selling very dark BD's very evil things etc… i kill them most blunt and brutal way possible and it feels good.. I only wish'd little bit more diffrent variety of quests, as an example; People who we hunting trying to escape with a vehicle and we chase them (V should drive the vehicle) or we try to escape from them with vehicles doing some Highway high speed action etc.. I know we talked little bit about car chases but this is just wishful thinking.. Cyberpunk 2077 still has enormous amounth of potential with their vehicles and they shouldn't be just a transportation devices. Car/bike combat should be big part of the gameplay as it is in the lore. I think you guys could make amazing quests with those elements.. Anyway i wrote very long speech with my broken english but i hope you get what i mean 😀 These are just a feedback. Thanks for all the interractions you making with fans.

  6. Great stream again. Btw., the quest with the guy in the trunk sometimes had a bug with a missing dialogue-option (it is connected with another Biotechnica-related quest). Do you know if this has been fixed? Would also be awesome if this story was continued in a future DLC. 🙂

  7. I'm always thinking about Cyberpunk 2077 😊 I've been on a break from it for some time now (over 2,200+ hours total) and yet.. memories of Night City never leave me.
    Can't wait to dive in again soon! 😜🎸 I hope Patch 1.6 isn't too far away!

  8. Hypothetically speaking, there's no reason Vincent and Valerie couldn't be half-siblings. I've actually always imagined what this would be like since I saw the 2 characters' birthdates. I don't remember anything in the game even hinting at a sibling, but it's always been a fun little "head-canon" in the back of my mind. One of the things I wished they kept from the 2018 trailer was the "key life events/backstory" tabs in the character creator. One of those was "Death of a sibling" and I always thought something like this would really flesh out V as a character. Plus, their birthdates are only a few months apart in the same year though, so it would definitely make for an… interesting backstory.


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