Portal's GLaDOS In Cyberpunk 2077 Easter Egg December 10, 2020 by PerfectParadox Facebook Twitter Pinterest LinkedIn Read more about Cyberpunk 2077➜ https://cyberpunk2077.mgn.tv source
Hm… Not sure if I missed this cause I was playing in a different language or I just forgot to do the quest Reply
I didn’t even realize it till the cake part and till my girlfriend said it sounded like gladdos Reply
I was so suprised when I heared her voice! Wow I am so happy that they added easter egg from Portal ♥ ♥ Reply
I love how they literally did make the voice actor change anything. It’s just Glados in Cyberpunk. Reply
Fun Fact: Glad0s is significantly less threatening when you have monowire, a double jump, and invisibility. Reply
I love the reference, but I RLY HATED THIS MISSION because the enemies did massive damage even at lvl 30 and could see me while invisible even. Reply
Without a doubt, this is the best reference I ever seen in a video game. It actually makes sense too since Glados is an AI robot in Portal. AND they used lines from the game! This really blew my mind lol Reply
Deadass second time I was doing this mission and it hit me it was Glados 😂
Oh, the surface has so much filth.
Hm… Not sure if I missed this cause I was playing in a different language or I just forgot to do the quest
I didn’t even realize it till the cake part and till my girlfriend said it sounded like gladdos
Best part of the game xD
this is literally just lines from portal lol but yeah a great easter egg
I would've went INSANE if I had played this game without knowing the easter egg prior
I was so suprised when I heared her voice! Wow I am so happy that they added easter egg from Portal ♥ ♥
How did you beat this I died quickly?
Just found this, it was pretty cool Easter egg
Glados still being the most iconic AI
cake is still a lie🤣
This was the best encounter i've found in CP'77
Most of the lines "GladOS" says, are actually from portal 1&2 surprisingly
What hand gun is that?
Still one of my fav easter eggs.
I love how they literally did make the voice actor change anything. It’s just Glados in Cyberpunk.
Fun Fact: Glad0s is significantly less threatening when you have monowire, a double jump, and invisibility.
I love the reference, but I RLY HATED THIS MISSION because the enemies did massive damage even at lvl 30 and could see me while invisible even.
It’s GLaDOS from Portal Series
i new that voice sounded firmilar then i heard test and no cake
The lines are all verbatum from portal too.
Love it that they even got the german voice actor for it.
Without a doubt, this is the best reference I ever seen in a video game. It actually makes sense too since Glados is an AI robot in Portal. AND they used lines from the game! This really blew my mind lol