Nova LUT Pure v2.2 and Supernova Showcase | Cyberpunk 2077 Lighting Mods

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My lighting mod showcase of the Nova LUT Pure 2.2 and Supernova 1.2 by theCyanidex. Cyberpunk 2077.

Nova LUT Lighting Mod Page:

Graphics Settings:
– Resolution: 2880 x 1620
– SDR with Gamma at 1.0
– All Raster Settings Maxed
– Psycho SSR

System Specs:
Powercolor 7900 XTX Red Devil
AMD Ryzen 7 5800X3D
64gb RAM

My Mod List Videos:
– Part 1, Visual Mods
– Part 2, Gameplay Mods
– Part 3, Immersion Mods

Lighting Mod Reviews and Showcase Playlist:

My (WIP) Nexus Mod Collection:
– Max Quality Version (for 16gb+ VRAM, 4K enjoyers)
– Balanced Quality Version (12gb+ VRAM, 1440p – 4K enjoyers)
– Performance Version (Vanilla quality Enjoyers)

Time Stamps:
00:00 Intro
01:14 Video Overview
01:54 Nova Env 1.0 vs 2.0
04:25 Nova Pure 1.0 vs 2.2
06:35 Nova LUT 1.4 vs Nova Pure 2.2
07:27 Supernova Overview
08:54 Supernova + Reshade
09:25 Supernova vs Vanilla
11:04 Supernova Reshade Settings
11:38 Outro
12:32 Nova Pure & Supernova with GITS 3.0

#cyberpunk2077 #phantomliberty #patch #cdpr


20 thoughts on “Nova LUT Pure v2.2 and Supernova Showcase | Cyberpunk 2077 Lighting Mods”

  1. Been waiting on these. I broke my game the other day, so I have to redownload all 340 Mods. And man it's taking a few days. Thanks for these vids to help me get my 2077 fix 🤒

  2. Really like the way supernova with reshade looked. What reshade are you using. Ive never used one so not sure if its something I already have installed with say nova lut etc or if it's something I need to download seperately and install.
    EDIT: k got it figured out (difference between ReShade and the ones on nexus called reshades which are actually presets for reshade. INi's not the actual ReShade just presets for it) copied your settings and using supernova vanilla env and ReShade and it looks great. IYO do you think vanilla env is best with supernova when using reshade or using a different env?

  3. Wow… just wow. The amount of work you put into this is beyond anything I expected. You absolutely Krushed it!

    I didn't think it would be possible to actually showcase the subtle differences between all iterations of Nova LUT but you managed to do it perfectly. ❤

  4. Amazing work Krush!!! You inspire me to want to make mod showcases as well, just need to get my pc fixed first .___. also big shout out to the whole modding community!!
    I just recently figured out how to get HDR to work almost perfectly on my set up for cyberpunk (vanilla) only. Its breathtaking, and I can not wait to see the gits showcase in the near future.

  5. Unless it’s for very subtle changes, reshade almost never makes a game look better. The best look for cyberpunk is nova HDR lut with the pure path tracing env. nova hdr lut combined with natural California env is a close 2nd. Ghost in the shell just doesn’t look consistently good plus the interior vehicle reflections are completely broken

  6. Great video! I was just woundering, I play on an hign end HDR tv, you don't mention HDR vs SDR performance on this mods. The only mod that I have seen stated focuses on HDR is GITS lighting mod. Do you have any data for the lightning mods when it comes to HDR?

  7. Distant fog is meant to reflect the diffusion of light from the atmosphere and add depth and a sense of distance to the scene. That's how humans judge long distances in the real world.
    The fog was used to hide LODs when 3d gaming was in its infancy. That's not the case anymore and not why it's still done. It looks flat, lifeless and sterile and more like an unfinished videogame without the fog.


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