New Cyberpunk 2077 Engineering Exploit (300,000XP per Hour)

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Invincibility Exploit:
Epic GASH antipersonnel grenade location:
Rare F-GX Frag Grenade blueprint location:
Duplication Exploit:
Speed exploit:
AFK Athletics XP exploit:

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Today I’m showing you the new way to farm engineering. You’ll need to be level 50 for this to work, and you’ll need either maximum armor or the invincibility exploit for this. Once you have those you’ll need one of the best grenade blueprints then you’ll need to craft some grenades and duplicate them.

It helps to have high level athletics for the carry weight so you can carry more grenades at once.

Then to level engineering fast in Cyberpunk 2077 you’ll want to go to the border crossing and farm them with grenades. Once they’re all dead, speed exploit away to reset them and come back. Do this to level up engineering in Cyberpunk 2077 fast.

This is the fastest Cyberpunk 2077 engineering exploit so far. If you use the homing grenades it’s a little bit slower, but much easier. It will be much more effective with the GASH but a lot more effort, it’s up to you which way you want to do it.

Now you know how to level up engineering in Cyberpunk 2077 fast.


12 thoughts on “New Cyberpunk 2077 Engineering Exploit (300,000XP per Hour)”

  1. Wish I'd known this a long while back iv done maxed out all my stuff and platinumed the game. Only thing I'm doing now is hunting what legendary armor iv missed. Own ever weapon well at least I think. Love the game tho I play on ps4 pro

  2. [Additional]
    1) the enemies that stand still WILL get agro-ed if you fire a weapon.
    2) if you're not wanting/able to speed cheat, there's a parking lot next door where you can get a car.
    3) If you like farming here, there's a Fast Travel point that appears in the parking area.
    4) also, this works nicely for health based builds + tech weapons. Chuck a few nades, fire your weapon at an enemy, chuck a few more nades . . .etc etc

  3. Delete the game as any updates WILL NOT be from the dev's.. use at ur own risk.. i deleted my copy and have stopped making content on it as the dev's are trash

  4. Now you know one of the reasons I love the gash grenade 😀 You can also use these guys to level your hacking skill with contagion. It does not kill them all right away and you get to do it 2 or 3 times in a row in a group. but it is not as fast as the camera glitch. thought it does give regular xp.

  5. Don't really see how's this any better than the beach of Pacifica but whatever. Plus, I think it's more reliable and faster to just blast enemies through walls with the Widow Maker.


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