My Top Tips 2.0, How to Make Your Build Broken Good! | CYBERPUNK 2077

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This video is a continuation and edit of my last tips video, so you may want to watch that video first.

Legendary Locations

Check out my build videos!

Gunslinger Build

Shotgun Build

Netrunner Build

Jack of all trades Build

Intro (0:00)
Spending Perks (0:46)
Leveling Skills (2:13)
Item Levels (3:06)
Free Legendary (4:59)
Mods/How to Find Them (5:55)
Making Money (8:15)
Make Money Without Crafting/Leveling (9:01)
The Level Loop (10:35)


44 thoughts on “My Top Tips 2.0, How to Make Your Build Broken Good! | CYBERPUNK 2077”

  1. I hope i can get a proper setup to play cyberpunk 2077, i have been watching videos for soo long and i hope i can play it for my own.
    Soo thanks for the tips and ways to start the game well.
    Also you just heard about the MASSIVE leak of GTA 6 footages right?
    Boy that's some massive news.
    I hope gta 6 finally becomes a dream that comes true.

  2. Thanks for the vid! Bought Cyberpunk when it first released, but couldn’t play it due to poor specs windows box. Switched a year ago to a beast of Linux laptop and now play on Steam, so thought it would be worth giving the game a go again and really enjoying the game. Your vids are really useful – but would like to see a total noob walkthrough however – points at start, what order, progression etc for a build. Appreciate the ‘going for perks’ philosophy, but would worry I was gimping my build. Anyways keep up the good work 👏👍

  3. Who remembers the painting glitch for making money. Or the mantis arms you get from that cyberpsycho mission, or the op way to one shot enemies by putting them to sleep with the tranquilliser smoke and the nano wire just chilling in a box.

  4. A armadillo crafting spec always spawns at the future mission next to where you go to meat Jackie for the falthead you take a right go down the road tell you see the opening the to your right youll see a fence and if you jump it you'll see a box with the crafting spec

  5. Trouble is Assults in Progress do not re spawn after completing them. A big mistake by CDPR, I dont even think you can earn enough money in the game (Legitimately ) with out using glitches and the crafting method, which can actually stop you creating the build you want, because you need to put so many points into crafting.
    Great video.

    Could you make a video showing new players where to get early early game cyber decks and the missions you should do first after the Heist.

  6. why tech tree with the int tree? if you're going to deal damage via quickhacks you dont really need all the upgraded weapons… going to str route can get you the -30% cyberware cooldown bioconductor..

  7. Also, talking about "fixed to the item mods" , you can get some mods which are unavalabile (as of 1.6) like -20% cyberware cooldown. It may be the only way to get them so getting the most slots isnt necessarily the best thing if you get less slots but some options that are unavailable otherwise.

  8. Is the bug that stops you from getting quick hacks from breach protocol still in the game. I have never gotten quick hacks from breach protocol and I have the perk that increases the chance by 100% still nothing. If it’s still in the game, how do you fix it?

  9. The game is absolutely poppin' at the moment, over 80k players on Steam and counting, hopefully your channel gets a major boost. Well deserved and keep up the good work.

  10. I have been hearing 14 Tech is also a good stopping point for crafting. Apparently 14 is when you can get Epic mods. It is something to consider if you are trying to save attribute points. That and you can no longer place higher grade mods (i.e. legendary) into lower quality gear (i.e. Epic).

  11. Every time there's a patch the player counts shoots up because thousands of people they deceived want to see how little of a mess it is with each patch. The game hasn't actually changed. The only release I bought this game is because scalpers were trying to unload their stock for whatever they could get after the massive amount of bad press. I got the PS4 version for $15 and the "physical" PC version for $20.

  12. I jumped back in right before this update and I'm using your Gunsliger build, love it so far, was waiting for another way to make money because the target analysis got nerfed before I could use it, so imma try that smart pistol crafting, thanks bro !

  13. Wanted to do shotgun this time to get close combat and guns from one attribute (shotgun and gorilla arms/blunt weapons). And did intelligence to 12 to farm legendary quick hacks. Giving an enemy group weapon glitch and then running in is fun. I imagine also great for ninja/blade skills. Next will be watching Johnny mnemonic with Keanu reeves and do a monowire build 🙂 (those who don't know it. It's a very old cyberpunk themed movie)

  14. the way I always viewed it is first thinking about what kinda combat I want.
    like my most recent V is a rob-zombie lookin' nomad with a poison fist brawler build (because of the sheer amount of poison perk's you get in this game but not any other elements for some reason), a sandestivan, quick time reflexes (mini-kerenzikov when first becoming noticed), and a kerenzikov. plus a optical camo.
    90% of gameplay is spent in slow-mo and strong punching red's 2 times max on very hard.

    i'm immune to literally every status effect innately from cyberware, and anything elemental buffs or heals me in some capacity. and a second heart, plus legendary Bioconductor cooldown.
    at a certain point when i'm able to handle myself in most gigs or play it stealthily, I hoard the perk points and hunt for perk shards, once I get to about 10+ I start looking at which ones would be nice to have or help my build.

    the nice thing about gorilla brawler builds is weapons rarely matter beyond denny's gold plated bat when y'do it right, so y'don't even need really anything outta crafting. at most edgerunner artisan.

    In the past I did things like infernowire, (double duration in annihilation.) which basically just turns you into ghost rider.
    bleed animal fist (some perks in blades aren't entirely reliant on wielding a blade.)
    aoe netrunner (contagion itself kinda blows, but it's legendary passive is much appreciated.)
    tech build (my god it's hilariously ingenious to throw armor ignoring in a section that's all about "fuck all walls.")
    mantis shock dps. (entirely attack speed based and stunning the enemy so they can't do anything the entire time you're wacking on them, legendary short circuit passive plus crit builds are fun.)
    even did a ozob big boom grenade only build once. (terrible honestly. grenades do not scale well, but whole lotta throwing enemies around or choking them outta their hidey hole with poison nades.)

  15. Some nice tips bro. I just bought the game on Steam for 50% off. I originally completed on PS4 Pro when it launched, it was playable but a mess, Poppins, frame drops etc. But now on a 32gb, 2080Ultra, with a Amd 2850 TR the game is what I imagined it to be, very good. The game still has some poor parts eg Melee combat and Story progression but I do enjoy the gun play and open world. The future can be bright for this game If REDMOD does a good job of creating mods that extend and enrich the game. CDPR has already indicated they have nothing else big planned after the next DLC. Fingers crossed my £25 is a good long term investment.

  16. I originally bought this game when it came out and refunded almost immediately. I bought it last night after reading path 1.6 and started it again for the the first time. I got 8 hours in and I love it so far.

  17. OK so to any other fellow Netrunner mains that didn't invest into tech… another money and leveling skill option is hacking all those little nodes around the city. I'm to a point where my main character has literally done every quest, side mission, assaults, all that. so now I've been wondering what I can do with him to get enough money to buy all the remaining cars. This is about the only other thing I can think of that isn't already mentioned in the video.


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