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Modders Are Revamping The Perfect Cyberpunk 2077 In A Big Way ( Best Cyberpunk 2077 Mods Update 1.6)
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Intro – 00:00
Promo – 00:23
Night City Interactions – 01:16
Street Vendors – 02:44
Talk To Me – 03:07
Wannabe Edgerunner – A simple Cyberpsychosis mod – 03:40
System Ex – 04:55
Missing Persons – Fixer’s Hidden Gems – 05:59
CyberArms Collection – Archive-XL – 07:21
Become Adam Smasher – Male V – 08:10
V’s Edgerunners Mansion – Apartment DLC – 08:36
Outro – 09:45
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Mod links:
1. Night City Interractions –
2 Street Vendors
3 Talk to Me
4. Wannabe Edgerunner: Cyberpsychosis Mod –
5. System Ex –
6. Missing Persons – Fixer’s Hidden Gems –
7. Cyberarm Collection –
8. Adam Smasher Skin –
9. V’s Edgerunner Mansion – Apartment DLC –
#ad #nvidia #cyberpunk2077
“Thinnest and fastest laptop” shows hinge…wow…bleeding edge tech right there my dude
What mod sites are there besides Nexus?
I dont agree with what Nexus did regarding ownership of mods but I dont know of a good alternative.
Ever since the resurgence of 2077 I've been trying to check Nexus every day to check out the new mods. The newest languages one is amazing, where NPC's speak their native language according to lore and stated background, like Ozob speaking Portuguese.
It’ll be cool if the interaction mod added food eating interactions at vendors
I also wish there were more cosmetic body part mods like metal arms/legs etc
I just wish we had more cyberware and more control for character customisation like being able to change V's height, weight etc.
LOL my laptop has an RTX 3060 graphics card runs in 4k just fine
Watch in the new dlc they add about 65% of the really good mods in the game they have been learning from them tbh they need to higher the top tier modes bc then we would get content faster and for years
Having 3rd person officially would make me double my hours in the game. I hate when you have awesome customization for almost no reason
What is the car with the glowing wheels? I'm guessing it's a mod.
being able to have the hand mods for both smart and power weapons at the same time is definitely a win
Anyone working on an "eVe smasher" mod? Female v adam smasher style mod.
Cries in Xbox
A video that didnt talk about the flying car mod, car customization mod, or ragdolling? Fuckin finally
I'm having a problem I downloaded vortex and some mods for cyberpunk and I'm new but I made sure they are all green and uploaded but none of the mods are working can anyone help or tell me if I should be using something else other than nexus and vortex
Cd project red wants this game to last for ever…. Do what skyrim did open the mods to everyone…. This game will be playable for years and years to come
Modders out there……..please make the arms Alita – Battle Angel has. That would be incredible.
Yeah, already the modders are doing terrific work. There are also now a bunch of mods to really turn this game into a Hardcore experience. A lot of complaints are also centred on the fact that, after the initial difficulty hurdle, this game becomes WAY too repetitive and easy. Mods that alter the difficulty scaling, introduce a different challenge between gang types and generally nerf the OP aspects are an absolute must for me. The modding future of this game is looking very bright with something for everyone.
IDK when I walk through the city IRL no one talks to me so the mod is not immersive.
Many of these mods should be perfected and delivered in the next big expansion of the game. This adds depth to the game itself. We need more of this.
Cdpr really just needs to compensate these modders and legitimately bring them into the game. I love that these mods fit in with the lore.
Is there any mods that solve the high sunlight brightness in the badlands? I’m doing the life during wartime mission and as sun as the sun hits, it’s super bright and I can’t continue the mission. Please help
Gorilla arm penis mod?
Or vajayjay….pls
Do people consider CP to be a perfect game?
I would live to see more fighting amongst the NPCs
The psicopath mod is so lore friendly it even implemented humanity from the tabletop rpg 🫣
Bro how did u make ur caliburn like that?
btw for those wondering how hidden gems works without the mod:
there are plenty than can only be found by simply finding them, nothing will trigger them, they are just a hidden mini-story
or, you know how in NCPD scanner hustles, to complete the call you need to loot a body/box to grab evidence? usually, one or two enemies will have a secret Shard on them giving you HINTS as to how to find the hidden gems
some of my favorites are the crate with No Future marking loot, or the drowned man hinting at loot underwater at a certain pillar
Blessed are the modders!
Skip that shit promo for over priced dell laptops with shitty components and terrible customer service. Want a really gaming laptop that won't quit on you? Go check out lenovo
I was trying to figure out why this random barrier had the prompt for the "Lean" action. Now I know, it's from an Edgerunners "Easter Mod" that I got. Had downloaded all the mods at once, so I'm still learning about them as I go.
Imagine leaving the modders to fix your mess….. thanks to all modders out there doing the hard work so that we can have fun
If the game doesn't deliver enough after Phantom Liberty. I hope there can be a mod collection that'd be the new standard that we could call "The Community Edition" or something like that. Feels like I'm drowning in choices, but I'm still waiting to try them.
I absolutely hate that people want cyberpsychosis in the game, I really hope they don't add it to the sequal or at the very least, restrict it to a survival/needs mode.
My God I pray that CDPR will surprise everyone by enabling console mods
Nice mods but Talk to me is immersion breaking, I never saw people irl interact with each other on the street unless they're friends haha