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Around the release of Cyberpunk 2077 a very common talking point was highlighting all of the features removed and cut from Cyberpunk 2077. Now 2.5 years later many of those cut features have been added back into Cyberpunk 2077 by mods!
The Mods:
E3 Visuals Remastered:
Quadra V-Tech E3 2018:
E3 2019 Hud:
E3 2019 Deep Dive HUD:
Megabuildings Expanded And Enhanced:
E3 2018 Muscle Tank Top:
Original Samurai Jacket:
Item Preview for Inventory:
Restored Crafting Specs:
Attachment Craft:
Set Bonusses:
Claim Vehicles:
Video Sources:
Cut Sections of Night City:
Cut Item Preview:
#Cyberpunk2077 #CyberpunkMods #Top10Mods
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Does the lighting overhaul remove the green tint the game naturally has?
First expansion? Isn't it the only one?
yay cant wait for my load order to get nuked again like it got with the hotfix 2 weeks ago.
The one thing that was perfect on CP77's imperfect release, as in very natural and realistic was the lighting. I would not change that, but improved textures are a godsend.
I think I'll continue to hold off buying this game until 2077 when it's finally done.
Fu our mods and haks
What are cdpr doing for the next gen consoles?
We have already been massively left behind by last gen nonsense.
I just stopped playing after the last update. I will update all mods after the big DLC.
"Must be nice to mod CP2077 😕 "
-XBSX user
The first time I modded this game I didn't use a mod manager. But next time I'm going to have to learn how to use Mod Organizer 2 with this game. I love how this game improved so much prior to when Cyberpunk 2077 first launched. And the many mods I saw available for this game look awesome!
Opra GX is owned by China, make that what you will.
I appreciate the modders. They make games better no doubt. But, There is no saving this game. It’s bad. Imo
Of course it is great that people can mod this thing… it's just sad that it's needed so much and also to realize that CD Projekt RED has become the very thing they hated or claimed they weren't
The 2018 demo reshade is so grey and removes all the beauty of the game. Just awful imo.
Only thing I worry about is what the "Phantom Liberty" update will do to the game, if you already have this MOD installed?
+1 for "Restored Crafting Specs". Another crafting mod I cannot play without is "Attachment Craft".
It would be nice to get some nice compatible and stable mod collection…
this game doesnt need light mods it needs plot game mechanics still
The HUD mods. I really like the positioning of the minimap and the font, but the minimap icons are so ugly. Awesome work! I love your mods videos!
All these 2017 and 2019 visual mods are lame. I would hardly call a lighting change a mod myself.
I really wish there was a legit 3rd person mode
Now I just wish the other half of the intended quest and story options were there. The very first "choice" you get, to betray or not betray Dex, isn't even a real choice you can make because then we wouldn't be forced into the expensive on-rails car chase scene.