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Cyberpunk 2077 is an open-world, action-adventure story set in Night City, a megalopolis obsessed with power, glamour and body modification. You play as V, a mercenary outlaw going after a one-of-a-kind implant that is the key to immortality. You can customize your character’s cyberware, skillset and playstyle, and explore a vast city where the choices you make shape the story and the world around you.
Become a cyberpunk, an urban mercenary equipped with cybernetic enhancements and build
your legend on the streets of Night City. Enter the massive open world of Night City, a place that sets new standards in terms of visuals, complexity and depth. Take the riskiest job of your life and go after a prototype implant that is the key to immortality.
#cyberpunk #cyberpunk2077 #cdprojektred
Have you watched Oxhorn’s new lore series about fallout: tactics?
This game is probably the only official fallout game with actual drivable vehicles (I think at least)
Straight shooters in kabuki just bought the legendary defender holy hell guy
Would be cool if those netrunner outfits actually helped improve netrunning skills even without slots. They are cool looking though. My next character is going to be a netrunner (playing a gunslinger now), might make my own T-Bug, thought she was a cool character. For those of us not that far in the game (like Wanderer and me) we cannot be sure she is dead. Could be that Mikoshi thing is what caught her, or she could actually be hiding out.
+1 Love your grandpa story!
I think the crit chance displayed in character stats is your base crit chance that applies to everything, and that gets added to the crit chance displayed on weapons. Also, if you check the weapon stats in inventory while that weapon is equipped and drawn, the crit chance/damage and headshot damage shown on the weapon will be affected by your weapon-specific perks and skills.
Obligatory algorithm comment
yo when are you going to nuka world in frost? I can't get the mod to work.
I found the legendary defender blueprint in random gun vendor by waiting 24 hours scumming
For mods on sniper rifles, I mainly went for those which do Crit damage, although I did find a mod which did extra Headshot damage. That one was fun.
When crafting mods, the quality of mod is determined by your Player level, not your Crafting level. At level 40, you're more likely to craft Epic mods. I don't think you can craft Legendary mods. At least, I have never seen them.
54:25 – The flashing star indicates a crime in progress.
Where is below zero? Why did you abandon the two vids a day (1 Cyberpunk and 1 below zero) procedure?
Since Hollywood is creatively bankrupt it’s safe to say they have remade and re branded the ninja turtles my dude.