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In this video Crafty opens the door on where to obtain more legendary clothing crafting recipes, outside of the ones you get from levelling up.
Have you ever done a crafting only build?
Have you found any other recipes we may have missed here?
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00:00 – Video Intro
01:07 – Channel Intro
01:!2 – Crafting Foundations
04:27 – Appel De Paris (Réconciliation Park)
06:38 – Stylishly (Canary Plaza)
07:27 – Jinguji (City Centre)
08:40 – Outro
Iconic Recipes:
Johnny’s Tank Top
Obtained at the end of the Main Job “Tapeworm”
Johnny’s Aviators
Obtained during the Side Job “Chippin’ In”
Johnny’s Pants
Obtained by checking the pink suitcase in the Gig “Psychofan”
Johnny’s Shoes
Obtained by checking the locker in the Gig “Family Heirloom”
Replica of Johnny’s Samurai Jacket
Obtained during the Side Job “Chippin’ In”
Aldecaldos Rally Bolero Jacket
Obtained during the Main Job “We Gotta Live Together” through The Star Ending
Obtained from behind the Afterlife’s bar during the Main Job “For Whom The Bell Tolls”
Neoprene Diving Suit
Obtained automatically during Side Job “Pyramid Song”
Arasaka Spacesuit
Obtained during the “Path of Glory Epilogue”
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#Cyberpunk #CyberpunkGuides #LivinginBeta
There are three iconic jackets that can be crafted at rare tier and through upgrading them the eventually become epic and then legendary. They are the Wolf Jacket from linking your account with CDPR(don't remember the exact method, but there are guides) and the other two are jackets are given you by Viktor early in the game, those jackets can be crafted at rare quality if you break them down or sell them. This is done so that you don't have to keep up upgrading them. You can recraft them and then upgrade the new ones to legendary. I make new ones about every 5 to 10 levels, then upgrade them along side the ones I am wearing so that when the ones I am wearing get too expensive to upgrade, I can just throw on the new ones and continue on. With the Wolf jacket in particular, you can have an epic version by level 7, and then install 2 street smart mods and you will be 50 street cred before you know it.
A much needed and qulity guide.
He's crafty is that Crafty, but it is a shame he is a Gonk
Combination of crafted clothing’s with buyable and parts of the legendary sets