Lead Quest Designer plays Cyberpunk 2077! #11

Read more about Cyberpunk 2077➜ https://cyberpunk2077.mgn.tv

Our adventure in Night City continues! I have moved towards Arasaka Waterfront to deal with all Gigs Regina has for us, while in the same time taking care of gangsters in dark corners of the district. Getting stronger with each encounter, playing on Hard difficulty!

Cyberpunk 2077 is an open world RPG that I have co-created. As I love talking about design, storytelling and psychology in games, I have started streaming on Twitch and discussing it all with my audience.

My goal is to share everything I have learned over a decade in AAA games industry, openly exchange ideas, explain creative decisions and encourage the next generation of game designers and storytellers to create.

My socials:
TWITCH ►► https://www.twitch.tv/pawesasko
TWITTER ►► https://twitter.com/PaweSasko
Timestamps for your viewing experience:

0:00​​​ – Music
04:48​​ – Stream starts
08:04​​ – My current focus in the studio
12:32​​ – Very beginning of Cyberpunk 2077
14:04​​ – Going back to the game
15:40​​ – My current progress with the main story
16:47​​ – Quest Design documentation
22:25​​ – Gig: Flight of the Cheetah
27:47​​ – Meeting Hwangbo
28:53​​ – Organisation of WitcherCon
32:00​​ – First shootout of the stream
34:50 – Giving a lift to Hwangbo
36:00​​ – Dropping off Hwangbo
39:16​​ – What’s next coming for Cyberpunk 2077
42:40​​ – Sharing community creations
44:22​​ – CD Projekt RED GEAR t-shirts
48:15​​ – Gig: Hippocratic oath
53:09​​ – Issue with disappearing crowd
55:38​​ – Writer in the gaming industry
1:01:50​​ – Checking emails in Gig’s location
1:04:00​​ – Role of emails in fleshing out the background
1:06:35​​ – Wish regarding future content
1:08:50​​ – Rejecting phonecalls
1:11:00​​ – Meeting Lucy
1:13:55 – Checking out Lucy’s emails
1:15:30​​ – Marketing strategy of the game
1:20:40​​ – Rendering actors for phonecalls
1:21:50​​ – My opinion about Cyberpunk 2077 chair
1:23:06​​ – Sexuality and gender roles
1:26:33 – Facing Anna nox
1:30:55​​ – Creation of brands for Cyberpunk 2077
1:36:03​​ – Freeing Hal from container
1:40:00​​ – Playing your own quest
1:43:30 – Meeting wounded Mox
1:45:50​​ – The Hard Thing About Hard Things by Ben Horowitz
1:53:13​​ – Next patches for Cyberpunk 2077
1:55:12​​ – Head bobble
1:57:30​​ – Design of first Quests with Jackie
2:02:08​​ – Addressing future changes
2:09:45​​ – Verticality in Night City
2:12:00​​ – Gig: Scrolls Before Swine
2:18:21​​ – Attachments for the guns
2:19:26​​ – Another game genre I would want to work on
2:20:45​​ – Designing Quests in Cyberpunk 2077
2:25:15​​ – Balancing the game around healing
2:26:37​​ – DLC vs. Expansion Pack
2:27:25​​ – Graphitties as environmental storytelling
2:30:45​​ – Takemura and iguana
2:31:50​​ – Checking emails in gig’s location
2:36:33​​ – Weather system in the game
2:39:00​​ – Background scenes fleshing out the world
2:40:15​​ – Bringing files to Aaron
2:44:05​​ – Creativity, Inc. by Ed Catmull
2:46:00​​ – Epistrophy: Northside
2:48:00​​ – Cornering
2:49:50​​ – Creativity, Inc. by Ed Catmull, part II
2:56:00​​ – Shoutout for Miracle of Sound
2:59:15​​ – Logic behind traffic lights
3:03:15​​ – AV traffic design
3:06:55​​ – Designing crossovers
3:11:00 – Role of small background stories
3:12:20 – Icons for channel points
3:15:20 – Gig: Rite of passage
3:21:20 – Post-stream questions
3:36:45 – Stream is ending
Thank you for watching!


47 thoughts on “Lead Quest Designer plays Cyberpunk 2077! #11”

  1. Your streams have inspired me to sign up for an online course in Narrative Design!
    Thanks for all the effort and enthusiasm you put into this!

  2. Thank you for streaming for us! Great way to lift the mood before a working week. The chat was very nice this time, I'd say. It's great to see regular visitors, you're building a community 🙂 Didn't see a lot of REDs this time though (or maybe they just were silent) I hope you all are doing fine 🙂

  3. Hey Pawel hope you get this message!! I just want you to know Cyberpunk 2077 has become more than just a game to me..it’s completely changed my life…fell in love with all the characters from Panam to Judy to Rogue to Johnny Silverhand to V Kerry River all of them..Misty Jackie…you guys did a beautiful job making this masterpiece of a game and just know we are behind y’all in fixing it to hopefully almost 100 percent!! As Johnny Silverhand told V…Never Stop Fighting!! Can’t wait to see everything Night City has to offer and beyond it!! ❤️

  4. At this point I'm hoping that the DLC is announced more for your sake than the game's. Seeing you get more frustrated and tired of all of the questions about DLC during every stream has been a bummer. Maybe there should just be a chat command for other people to answer with a form response? I know that you feel like you want to offer a face for the community to ask all of their questions, but if half of the questions are the same and the answer is an increasingly-exhausted "please look at our roadmap, I will talk about it as soon as I can" it is just taking air time away from questions that you might be able to answer. These streams have been really amazing, thank you for doing them, I'm glad that I finally caught up with the VODs (thanks again for the timestamps!), but if you're going to keep doing them every week I think it'd be for the best if there were changes to help stop you from getting burned out.

  5. Panie Pawle jako asystent zgłaszający drobne usterki zgłaszam i tym razem że przy gazowaniu auta na ręcznym hamulcu (spacji) niektóre pojazdy mają taki przytłumiony głos (np Caliburn ) jeśli gazujemy na "W" a jeśli gazujemy na "S" to już wszystko Bangla, wydaje mi się że wprowadziliście to w którymś patchu mniejsza o to ale jest to taki mały irytujący element więc wiecie co robić 😉
    Pozdrawiam gorąco dzięki za streama !

  6. Witam, marcin30ll z czatu niedzielnego – dokończenie mojego wywodu odnośnie przegrupowania zadań ( pisze po PL łatwiej będzie wszystko wyrazić ), oczywiście całość bez zbędnego Hejtu. Temat dotyczył koncepcji kolejności opowieści. Jak dobrze pamiętam w odpowiedzi na moje pytanie padło że więcej czasu miałby spędzonego z Jackiem, mi chodzi bardziej o podejście psychiki bohatera – mamy dosyć szybko na tacy podejście do bardzo dużego zadania od Fixera, raz ciach kulka, V ma mało czasu powinien ratować swoje 4 litery a dostaje mnóstwo innych zadań. A info z różnych forum, gracze określali że CP to krótka gra bo 11-12 h i pyk koniec ( faktycznie na całość potrzeba około 130 h ). Zmiana koncepcji gdzie V buduje swoje pozycję ( chociażby punkty reputacji które są w grze ) poprzez te mniejsze zadania ( które są naprawdę ciekawe i powiązane ze sobą ) budowałaby reputację aby dostać się do głównego zadania zdobycia chipu i dalej już właściwa historia z Johnym.

    To na tyle w kwestii tego co padło podczas live, a mając okazję tu pisać zadam jeszcze pytania związane z poradnikiem i samą grą. W samej grze mamy podział na Prolog ( 3 dla każdej postaci) + AKT I, II, III ( finał ). Sam poradnik opisuje to zupełnie inaczej Prolog ( do poznania Johnego ) + właściwa gra + Epilog , oraz samo podejście do otwartego wykonywania misji głównej – poradnik opisuje co po kolei należy ogarnąć co ładnie współgra ze zmianą z budową relacji V i Johnego, natomiast w samej grze gracz może dowolnie zacząć główną fabułę przez co relacji V i Johnego strasznie są pomieszane ( jedno zadanie Johny jest wściekły na V chce odzyskać jego ciało, na w następnym to już dwa funfle bez żadnego powodu), i pytanie czy coś zmieniło się w podejściu Questowym w okresie opracowania poradnika i wypuszczenia samej gry ?

  7. Despite its bugs and glitches, I loved Cyberpunk. Especially well written Characters, atmosphere, side quests etc… The game really has potential. I believe Cyberpunk will get better in the future. You're sincere, Pawel. Everytime I miss your broadcasts, I watch it on youtube, I believe you put a lot of effort into the game. You even put a lot of effort into adding Timestap to the broadcast. Thank you for streaming for us. I believe everything will get better🙏 I hope we can see dlc and expansion packs soon, I'm looking forward to it✨:)

  8. I know you're not discussing DLC content or anything in these videos, but I just wanted to say that one thing I would love to see (other than improvements to random NPC & Traffic AI) would be more opportunities for interacting with the NCPD. I have helped them out a few times against gangs, but they never want to talk to me afterwards. I'd also love it if more things we do could potentially draw the ire of the cops-like stealing cars. Just a thought :).

  9. Hey Pawel, what's your favorite weapon in the game? Mine's got to be the Legendary Ashura sniper rifle. It's almost too good tbh, as soon as I take it out I know the enemies are fucked.

  10. Dude… I just finished all 3 lifestyles on 100% (endings, NCPDs and quests), on 3 different builds (Hacker Techie focus, Stealth Handgun focus, Full Boxing melee focus)… almost getting 500 hours… and seeing your videos, I just HAD to make another char… Hacker Shotgun Streetkid this time… Very Hard mode is on… will have to create another once the DLCs come up… and replay it all when airports get open in Brazil so I can go buy a NVIDIA 2060 or even 3060 … current on a Intel i3 10th gen, 16 ram, SSD, Nvidia 1060 only… thanks all CDPR team for so much fun

  11. Dear Paweł!
    I don't know if you'd read this, but I'll write it anyway. In short it's my story with Cyberpunk 2077.
    I was very hyped for the game as Witcher 3 has a very special place in my heart. After launch I was very disappointed by the bugs and technical issues, and stopped playing CP after the first few missions until it was more patched. Last week I continued playing, and now I'm in the middle of the last main mission, and mostly done all side missions.
    For me, any game's biggest achievement is the capability to make me sad, or wanting more because a questline for a character ended, and because I know I won't see them again in the game world.
    The last time I had this bittersweet feeling was with the Witcher 3, after I finished the story and both expansions, I wanted Geralt's, Ciri's, Yennefer's story to never end.
    CP2077 also achieved that with both Panam's and Judy's questline. I was heartbroken when the last missions for them ended, and also Johnny turned from jerk to bro.
    Yes CP2077 still has lot of bugs and issues, but the core aspects like story and characters are among the best I've experienced in videogames, and I can only hope that I'll see more Panam and Judy in the DLC(s). 🙂 Thank you and the whole team for this great story experience! Greetings from Hungary!

  12. Good stream, I hope that later you will add the cut content that you could not put before the release of the game with the free DLC and not just cosmetics.

  13. Something else I'd love to see, if at all possible, is for all the Blue Marker stuff on the map (Organized Crime, Assaults, Blue Stars) to be less immediately visible on your map, & to actually move around the city in a semi-random fashion during the game. For example, if you see an Assault in Progress a kilometer away from your current position…..but do nothing about it…..then it will disappear from the map. However, a very similar Assault could pop-up in another location on the map in a day or two of game time. Organized Crime sites would be more static, but could reappear in some form, somewhere else, after you initially break them up. Hope that makes sense…..I just think it would add to making Night City feel even more alive & dynamic.

  14. OK, I promise this is my last suggestion for now, but it kind of follows on from my previous one. Again, I don't know how easy it would be to implement, but I was wondering if Gigs could be made more dynamic. By that I mean have NPC's at the gig site leave, or have new NPC's arrive unannounced-depending on how long your character is on the site, and the actions your character takes whilst on site. The latter might be especially true if you initiate a gig, but then abandon it and return later. Again, just an idea. Its already an awesome game, of course, these suggestions are just about making it even more AMAZING!!!!

  15. I also find it intriguing how the dialogue changed when you found the lady after you killed the Mox Cyberpsycho, as opposed to finding her beforehand. I remember these same little differences in Witcher 3 too!

  16. @2:04:00. That is pretty much how I approached the game, Pawel. Did a full run-through back when the game first launched, then waited for Patch 1.2 to launch before starting my 2nd run-through. I will probably hold off my 3rd run-through until after the first lot of DLC comes out.

  17. I'm so glad I've found this channel!
    To be honest, I simply love this game.
    Had a great time playing Cyberpunk 2077 and in my experience I didn't find any game breaking bugs even on launch day.
    But I still feel like this game could be much more. Much better.
    I really want it to eventually have all those missing features and more. Like:

    – The Night City subway (one that actually functions like expected).

    – Vehicle customization and illegal races (I mean c'mon! Night City is the perfect set for some crazy epic illegal races!).

    – Better NCPD and npc AI.

    – A system which allows us to be more friendly or hostile to certain gangs. Night City has such a diverse set of gangs. A better interaction with them would be really awesome! (something like GTA 2 lol I'm not joking…).

    – The possibility to be a Trauma Team client. That would be great! Just imagine! You're screwed up during a gag and guess what? You're platinum baby! Trauma is here and they'll do anything to save their costumer!

    – Better fast travel, like embarking on one of those delamain taxis!

    – Apparently half of Pacifica is missing so… you know.

    – More things to do in Night City like: entering bars, brothels, play mini games like poker, pool or some futuristic version of these games. Brain Dancing! And of course: drinking until you flat line!

    Those are some cool ideas.

  18. I'd love to see an Optional "Survival Mode" difficulty level in the game, where we have to regularly eat, drink & sleep in order to remain at maximum health & stamina levels.

  19. I know you guys are working on new patches and free DLCs, but in the future will there be some expansions to Cyberpunk 2077 like heart of stone and, blood and wine for the Witcher 3?

  20. Thank you for your streams, I love them! You give so many interesting insights that help me to appreciate the game even more!
    Please don't give up, I am sure you will be able to deliver the game you had in mind to its fullest potential!

  21. Very interested to see what coming next for this game the game has crazy potential .
    Hoping a No Man Sky comeback or at least close to that .
    Still a tone of things to like about this game despite the probs the game still has with the AI , physics and Police System + Npc .

    Keeping my eyes every week on every social platforms to see if any new news about this game .
    Still loving Night City even with all the problems the game still has atm.
    Still having fate in ur team for a decent comeback with this game .


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