Johnny Silverhand Was Lying to Us | Cyberpunk 2077: Edgerunners Update

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Johnny Silverhands engram memories within 2077 are not reliable sources of information. This video is the complete account of Silverhands unreliability and falsified memories within both the prequel Table Top RPGs and 2077. Covering “Never Fade Away”, The Arasaka HQ Bombing, and the “Black Dog” story, this video provides all the information you need.

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Music: Cyberpunk 2077 End Credits Song

Complete Cyberpunk Playlist:

Introduction: (0:00)
Memories Are Not Braindances: (1:25)
Engram Inconsistencies: (3:00)
Never Fade Away: (5:45)
Narcissism and Cyberpsychosis: (14:19)
Arasaka HQ Bombing: (18:29)
2023 Arasaka Raid Analysis: (23:00)
Black Dog: (26:15)
Black Dog Analysis: (29:50)
Outro: (34:20)


21 thoughts on “Johnny Silverhand Was Lying to Us | Cyberpunk 2077: Edgerunners Update”

  1. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays everyone! I hope you all enjoy the video and have a great day no matter where you are and who you're with. Let me know down below what you all thought about the video and if you have anything to add. Thanks for watching!

  2. So glad I found your channel from the first silverhand video. Keep it up man. The vids explain the lore really well, have been thoroughly enjoying learning from them.

    Edit: and Merry Christmas

  3. Could the nuke have been detonated by AIs from beyond the black wall? After all alt Cunningham without her body may have been seen as some type of hazard or threat to the rouge/free AIs… Maybe her merging with a rogue I was part of some deal or condition to escape makoshi.

    Also in that process, Morgan blackhand's mind was saved or transferred to a new or different body either by alt alt or via the involvement of rogue AIs… Maybe he merged with an AI too in the process in order to survive… Hence why we have Mr Blue eyes and potentially a Morgan black hand character coming up in the next DLC.

  4. I had a theory of Pacific types of cyber ware that can cause cyber psychosis . my idea comes from the edgerunners anime .David installs .sandevistan, he says it always feels like it's part of him.which made me think the closer the user has a bond with the Pacific type of cyberware .they start to lose themselves.I know it may seem a bit far-fetched .it was just an idea I had.@ LayedBackGamers

  5. Doesnt't Saburo fail his plan in the "Blaze of Glory" ending where you storm Arasaka tower alone, since it is mentioned, that Arasaka is on the edge of going under ?

  6. The dog tags have interesting implications, maybe Johnny has deluded himself so much that he sees Robert Linder and Johnny Silverhand as two separate people. He thinks Robert Linder saved his life. When in reality his old self (Robert John Linder) "died" so that Johnny Silverhand could "live" going forward. You've mentioned "the hand" in the past maybe the catalyst for this metaphorical death of Robert John Linder, was the event that caused Johnny to lose his biological hand

  7. Fantastic job with the video!
    I must say I loved how in-depth you went and how nicely you included all current theories from the arasaka bombing theories up towards the post-blackdog theories! I think you summed up all the thing we have to work with very nicely and I can’t wait for more content from both 2077 and the ttrpg.
    I would like to add that the Robert John Linder connection is heavily hinted to be a disconnect from his past life, and how he was sacrificed so that Johnny Silverhand could begin – just like say – Bruce Wayne and Batman. But it is very possible that the corrupted engram has went so far as to think of them as 2 different entities.
    Another thing that I would like to like to note is the theme of immortality with Johnny, even in Cyberpunk 3.0 and Cybergenerations the rocker’s whole shtick was immortality but at the cost of very slowly losing himself (he would be saved and revived by Alt every time he’d get killed by using her soulkiller-esque software) so I would keep a keen eye on the post Black Dog theories regarding him and Alt. Just as you mentioned, the fragmented Alt in 2077 could be a piece of her that survived or evolved, the rogue Alt fragment even doesn’t refer to itself as Alt but merely appeases Johnny in that regard.
    Something I am working on researching more that I have read on the wiki is the rumor that if V treats Johnny’s engram as just code, without a dose of humanity, in the endgame Johnny’s engram admits that he is nothing but code trying to honor the man that he is supposed to simulate as an engram and inspiring the rebel inside of V. If I find anything more in that regard I will update you all but until then it’s just an interesting rumor.
    Lastly I’d point to the similarity of the fake memories we see in 2077 with the stories of Morgan Blackhand or perhaps one of the Lobos during the assault – pointing towards the idea that Johnny’s engram might have already merged with memories of previous victims of the relic – although that might just be a far fetched stretch as it doesn’t leave much room for such merges because his body was recovered soon after the bombing albeit in the bunker…
    The most interesting part to me is the error we find in what Greyson tells us about Johnny’s body and death – it seems completely false in comparison to what we know from the ttrpg cannon, even if Silverhand was revived by Alt/Angel after Black Dog and recaptured, interrogated and killed by Arasaka – his engram wouldn’t be as flawed and damaged as we know it is – it would be fresher.
    I feel we will yet see more of him, Alt and Morgan Blackhand in the content to follow.
    ~A thing of beauty will Never Fade Away…

    Merry Christmas! (I’m orthodox christian so christmas to me is on 7th January but I wish happy holidays for all!)

  8. No. They definitely retconned Johnny being cut in half from the 2023 raid on Arasaka tower. My evidence is the fact that when Johnny escaped to the roof to get on the AV with Rogue, she drops him on accident, leaving him behind. And if you pick the Johnny path at the end of Cyberpunk, Johnny stumbles a little bit, and almost falls out of the AV, but Rogue catches him and says "Not this time honey". Meaning that Johnny getting away from Adam Smasher actually happened and he didn't actually get cut in half.

  9. I remember in my first playthrough during a tapeworm section Johnny says they alter your memories and who you are in mikoshi without you even knowing it, I thought to myself so what if they did the same to Johnny and he isn’t aware of it but then to what purpose of editing his memories would it serve and would figure Alt would know since she recognizes his engram code etc that it’s really him, maybe they only editing what occurred during the AHQ bombing and left the rest alone

  10. Ok now Ive got a theory as for me its just impossible that the engram can over write your whole memory and what if the whole story is a brain dance


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