Inaccessible Orbital Air Space Center exploration – Cyberpunk 2077

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Flying into the inaccessible space station in Cyberpunk 2077, there is a barrier before and after the bridge that leads to the space center. It’s somewhat detailed, but there’s something weird about the anti-tank obstacles on the shore, they have very high LOD but they appear only when you’re REALLY near to them, so they expected you to get close to them, although I never saw them in the game except for here, it would also make the Commando perk sense if you were supposed to get near the water


10 thoughts on “Inaccessible Orbital Air Space Center exploration – Cyberpunk 2077”

  1. I remember when Cyberpunk 2077 map leaked early last year, this is the place I wanted to go the most. When I got the game, I rushed Act I just to get my car and visit this place. When I got there, my heart was broken… Damn, such a huge area like that on the map, and we can't even get closer without cheating? Cmon CDPR… Please add this soon, on some DLC content…


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