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The legend of Johnny Silverhand as seen in 2077, isn’t entirely accurate. So this video essay unravels the intricate history and mysteries behind the Rockerboy.
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Metal Gear – Snake Eater LoFi
Metal Gear – Freedom to Decide
Metal Gear – Midnight Shadow
Cyberpunk 2077 – Blackwall Theme
Cyberpunk 2077 – Isometric Air
Cyberpunk 2077 – Mikoshi Core
Cyberpunk 2077 – The Rebel Path
Cyberpunk 2077 – Like a Boy
Cyberpunk 2077 – Blade Runner Easter Egg
Cyberpunk 2077 – New Dawn Fades
Halo Reach – Ashes 2
– Cyberpunk 2077
– Cyberpunk 2020
– Cyberpunk Red
– Firestorm Series
– Cybergeneration
– Mike Pondsmith’s Reddit & Interviews
Introduction: (0:00)
Early Life: (1:55)
Founding of Samurai: (5:58)
Sins of Your Brothers: (9:15)
Silverhand’s Porsche: (10:44)
Never Fade Away: (11:30)
2013 – 2023: (15:30)
Fourth Corporate War: (16:25)
Time of Red: (19:45)
The Relic: (23:55)
Theories & Analysis: (27:43)
Thanks for Watching!: (39:19)
#cyberpunk2077 #cdprojektred
barely made it on time !
Not lacking we locked in this time
I think the Engram Johnny is like “The Hand” was for Johnny but instead for V, everything bad that V does they blame on Johnny; Johnny did the same for “The Hand”.
Johnny’s appearance is also identical to what he wore in Never Fade Away as seen in Red; I think that’s why the Never Fade Away in 2077 is the clearest memory even considering the obvious changes, probably because before his death he swore he wouldn’t make the same mistake as he did in 2013 again.
After hearing his legend, do you think Silverhand is a hero? Let me know all your thoughts down below and I hope you all enjoyed.
I will be moving into a few other IPs in my upcoming videos. So hope to see you all there and have a great week chooms!
"Never fade away"
One of my favorite character ever in a video game, i wish we had more expansions just to spend more time with Johnny
hey, man, I enjoyed the video when I play cyberpunk I always play with the intention that Johnny isn't such a good person he has good intentions to begin with but the more I dive into his intentions the more I realise that he will do anything to execute those intentions.the beginning of the game I can't really trust them and all I know is you won't revenge doesn't give a shit about saving V only by talking and doing their optional side quest to actually get to know Johnny that I get to see the humanitarian in him he actually has feelings and emotions .I still do think he manipulates the player by giving every good option the chance to break into arasaka .ultimately still getting what he wants in the end
I love the addition of a piano version of halo reach’s music, really fits tbh
That Metal Gear Solid soundtrack fit very well 👌
Wow!! You are very good at lore. But this exceeds them all. I have a much better picture of Johnny and how he is portrayed in CP2077 as well as the source material and its author Maximum Mike Pondsmith.
I still view Johnny more as a tragic character than a heroic one. But I can sympathize with him more and very glad he has such a large part in the game.
Always a banger when the video drops
they should make a series kind of like net runners except way longer explaining his origin and life
Hell yeah choom love the video! Great actual back story of the Rockerboy Silverhand and holy shit didn't realize how many new chooms subscribed to your channel! Cool shit keep it up! 🤘
banger vid as always choom cant wait for more
Wow I think this is your best video yet! I love it!
I’d love to see your take on David Martinez
There are no heroes in Night City. Wrong city. Wrong people.