I Played Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty

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0:00 – Disclaimer & Extra Details
5:28 – Sponsor
7:02 – Hands-On Experience

– Waning Zane

– Devon B

– Jonathan Ball
– Gerardo Andrade

– Michael Redmond

– Peter Vrba


– BattleBladeWar


43 thoughts on “I Played Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty”

  1. Hey guys, just saw that this is a pay DLC and I was under the impression it was going to be a free DLC? of was the free DCLS those few guns we got and thats it? if it was just those guns. We once again got scammed.

  2. I just want to explore the parts of the map, I could see in the distance but were locked away, awaiting relevant DLC.

    I probably won't come back to Night City, which I fell in love with btw, until everything is out. For as much as I love Night City, the game remains a cross between Call of Duty and Grand Theft Auto V, with some but needing way more RPG elements. To say nothing of the asthetics

  3. They should add flashing highlights to ricochet paths that will actually hit an enemy, otherwise it’s hard to tell if a path will actually hit anyone. Just a small grievance I had from playing CP

  4. I wasn't selected to stay a part of the community. CDPR random perma-banned my ass early on. Thus they got blacklisted early on as well. Sucks to be them. If they wanna make it up me they need to unban my ass for the BS ban I got hit with simply for calling out a false equivalency made by Adam Kazinsky.

  5. I'm confused… what's happen with the IA ? They are just standing there !? No moove, no cover taking… Or it's some kind of "special" units ? Huh…
    I will wait for complete review. Good video btw.

  6. CP2077 was not only a technical disaster, it was an objectively bad game. The amount of CDPR simps here proclaiming it fixed is not going to make it any less true. The combat was floaty and felt bad, guns had no feeling of impact, driving was terrible, the characters were bland and all incredibly two-dimensional, V was a garbage protagonist and the story was absolutely fucking terrible full of plot holes, contrivances and stupidity by everyone that could have been better written by a 5 year old. They have released no ACTUAL content for it since the beginning and think this is good enough? Unless they practically changed everything about it, including the awful main story, the game will never be good. CDPR have zero credibility and they do not deserve ANY benefit of the doubt.

  7. I beat the game when it first came out, hoping to play it again in the future when/if major changes are made. I have played it again in the past year, but not enough changes were made to make it worth going thru again.

  8. After seeing the gameplay and the improvements. I want to jump right in. Plus after buy the base game on sale and pre-order phantom liberty September looks like the right time that i should go to nightcity.

  9. Well The Game is install awaiting the Exp. I played most of my Game through 1.0 to the First patch. So yeah I think I'm ready for whatever CRPR throw at me. Really need some fresh blood after playing the Game 7 to 8 times through and that last one wasn't my best play through.

  10. The fact that they are charging us to fix the fucking game and give us the full thing they promised os BS. Save your copium filled breath if you are gonna defend cdpr and this "expansion". This is the rest of the game they didn't finish that's it. We should not be paying for this. There is a reason why cp77 is the most disappointing game of all time. They created the hype with lies exagerations. They don't deserve your money.

  11. I'm gonna get the expansion yes, no doubts there. I very much enjoyed my time with cyberpunk 2077 first had it on PS4 and it ran sufficiently well for me in the emantime upgraded to PS5 and installed the PS5-convertible version that I had from the initial purchase and still loving the game. This expansion I will therefore definately check out (maybe new character run) as I love me some CP77.

  12. I bought Cyperpunk 2077 just a week ago and have put in 30 hours and I'm currently really enjoying it. I've had a couple of bugs (not being able to press buttons in an elevator, had an NPC walking out from the middle of a wall, nothing too bad) but overall so far a solid experience. Was unaware that there were an expansion coming out until a couple of days ago. I'm looking forward to it, but will not buy it day 1, I'll wait for reviews to see how the stability is first, given the history of the game.

  13. It's disappointing that you didn't get the same treatment and experience as the mainstream outlets. I and many others prefer to get their gaming news and reviews from independent games journalists/content creators such as yourself.

  14. Honestly I am more interested in the updates and fixes to the game.
    It's hard to get excited for the expansion when you have been waiting a few years for the actual game you were promised to be delivered and polished long after its initial release.

  15. i kinda stopped watching yongyea after he reviewed cyberpunk the first time. really don't feel like i can trust anything he says anymore. I know he deleted the review but the damage is done.


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