Read more about Cyberpunk 2077➜
So i played Cyberpunk 2077 for the first time since release & i can definitely say that Cyberpunk 2077 is…a game.
Honestly tho it feels better than it did before but there are still a few hiccups here and there even after patch 1.3
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#CyberpunkUpdate #Cyberpunk #Cyberpunk2077
Cyberpunk 2077 the game that CLEARLY came out fixed
I am playing this on PS4 Pro and my stepson is playing on his StarWars edition PS4. Sure, there are some bugs but there is no reason this is still not on the Playstation Store.
So…gonna have to wait another year before I even consider trying this game? Good to know!
Maybe it's just me, but my game isn't nearly this buggy.
Did you bought and played Cyberpunk?
What did it cost?
60$ and my sanity.
0:56 what is that sound from? It's so familiar 😅😅
I've started a new file for patch 1.3 and all in one it looks pretty fancy though. Here and there a few little bugs and old ones but it's okay now. Nonetheless game goes down in gaming history books 😂
From this game, and borderlands 2, I've decided that open world-fps and leveling systems doesn't go well together for me.
At the beginning of the game, I had a high level mission, but I was close by so I decided to give it a try, pull out the shotgun, blasted 4 shot in the guy's head, he lost 5%hp. He shot me twice, I died. Uninstall.
In a world where you can go anywhere, at anytime, contents should not be gated behind a number such as your level.
Fallout games and bethesda games in general got this down perfectly. You start at a safe zone, the further you are from the safe zone, the more dangerous it becomes. There's a hidden progression path, designed by developers to ensure you're never overpowered or underpowered.
I will try the game again in the future, when they're done fixing everything. Unlike the witcher 2, which is hot garbage, I can see a good game underneath.
2:53 – This one single moment defines which company's game you are playing.
Ubisoft – The car stops, along with the entire world.
Rockstar – Car stops & the driver curses you, honks till your ears bleed and then runs you over out of road rage.
Volition – Car waits for a few seconds, then the driver panics and runs you over.
CDPR – Aeeugh !!
It's more bugged now then ever and we still cannot save Evelyn. After i did not play this for over a month. I Downloaded the update and boy, do i wish i did not do that. Crash every few minutes now. For sure not the same Developers who made The WItcher Trilogy, made this game.
when you reinstall Cyberpunk & it instantly bugs out
here's my Twitter because reasons:
Some tea, Mazda?
you shoulde wite tell ubgrade
So you break games to. I thought it was only me.