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Cyberpunk 2077 How to save Takemura in Search and Destroy!
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How do you save Takemura in Cybeprunk 2077 Search and destroy quest? In todays Cybeprunk 2077 I will show you how! In order to unlock All Cyberpunk 2077 Endings, you’ll need to save Takemura during the quest Search and Destroy. However, this option is kept secret, and so it’s very easy to miss. If youdo not rescue Takemura, then you won’t be able to unlock all of the connected achievements and Trophies. The quests to save takemura takes place after the main Cybeprunk 2077 main quest ‘down on street’ then ‘play it safe’ then you will get the quest where you have the option to save Takemura called serach and destroy! Note that Johnny Silverhand will not like your decition to go back and save him, but you can still unlock Johnny Silverhands Secret ending even if you make this decision!
Cyberpunk 2077 Ending Walkthrough Gameplay was a full walkthrough of Cyberpunk 2077 starting with Part 1, the playthough includes a Review, Campaign Intro, Character Creation and Story Campaign Mission 1 Captured on PC! Cyberpunk 2077 is also on Playstation 5, PS5, Xbox Series X, Series S and PS4 Pro. This Full Game Cyberpunk 2077 Gameplay Walkthrough will include Cyberpunk 2077 Story Campaign, Review, PlayStation 5 Gameplay, PS5 Gameplay, Xbox Series X Gameplay, Cinematics, Cut Scenes, Nomad, Streetkid, Corpo, Story Missions, DLC and all Single Player Campaign Missions and the Ending. Cyberpunk 2077 is played in a first-person perspective as V, a mercenary The game can be completed without killing anyone, with non-lethal options for weapons and cyberware.
In order to unlock All Cyberpunk 2077 Endings, you’ll need to save Takemura during the quest Search and Destroy. However, this option is kept secret, and so it’s very easy to miss. If you fail to save Takemura, then you won’t be able to unlock all of the connected achievements and Trophies.
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I had the double jump and just jumped back up until I reached the room Takemura was in
If i save Takemura, am I still able to get jhonny to 70%? I am playing the game for the third time and i really wanna get the secret ending…
Bro if you do a video about tiny details in Skyrim you have to do this be guild master when you talk to Saphire about shadr in riften
Dude I just jumped back up through the hole and rekt them. Way bad ass lol
Cool 😀 Thank you!
Ive did it with my first run using double jump, i wanted to save him as quick as possible
I fucked up
Yes I save it yesterdsy
I don't need to see this video I saved him without wondering if Jonny was telling the truth, because he is always wrong and I prefer to see him with my eyes before letting him die, so I jumped through the pot with my double jump legs and annihilated everyone, don't even hesitate , my friends are lucky haha
Hey just an idea here,I haven't seen yet a video covering the only legendary granede,that Is amazing btw,when you do the clown side quest that have a granede for nose once you are finish you think that he only pay you with eddies but when you check theres a crafting spec for the legendary grenade which is call the Ozob's Nose and is an amazing grenade that have an explosive effect and a poison one to,the red text reads " Brings new meaning to blowing ones nose" I swear that I have not seen a video yet of said granede spec,and much weird being the only legendary granede in the game
Damn on my second play through I wished that I could do that and know I know thanks
No wonder his death seems like the characters didn't really talk about him after he got killed.
I'll definitely be doing this in Feb when I replay the "finished" version of the game.
Damn i thought he being "toast" meant he was already dead, damn johnny is always wrong
Sweet I'll just load a previous save.
If you have the double jump you can just up through the hole at the beginning instead of going through the long way.
That’s crazy wow nice
I just double jumped back to the top and saved him lol
My Character: GORO SENSEI!!!! 😭
I get that it's a hidden ending but it bothers me that the game encouraged me not to even look for Takemura. I really felt like I went out on a limb for him and his death was disappointing.
I just jumped straight back up the hole…
Shit ESO . I got the Comrade's Hammer Spec at lvl 15 and Crafted it at Lvl 22 , upgraded it 4 times already . I have not even met Takemuro at the Diner yet , I am in no hurry to start the Main Quest . Those Gonks from Arasaka don't have a chance against the Hammer when I rescue him .
wait.. you can let that guy die? How barbaric.
I did this on my first play through. Didn't know I could wanted to check if his body had an iconic. He was being attacked by everyone in that room standing in the middle swinging his sword. I just use the optic mod that makes you all weapons non lethal and smart weapons target limbs and headshots not have bonus. Because headshot still do more damage and it makes finisher attacks from weapons like the mantis blade not happen when you one shot people, letting you killing more people faster because your not locked in the animation using up all your slow mo
Ok, I'm reloading my save game to do this (just beat the game). Thanks!
If you save him and don't go the Arasaka ending, he tells you to rot in hell before committing suicide….
Yea he can stay dead.
Holy shit! Yer the cyberpunk god
Who the fuck didn't save him? I mean, you literally express wanting to save him, so why would you not? This is why some people get disappointed when they get terrible endings to games like these. It's because you're a bad gamer and got the ending you deserved.
He spelled Destroy wrong with Destry
"Can stealth or run."
Ooorrrr contagion.
Man I HATE Johnny
Did this on my very first playthrough. I thought hey what if I try to jump back up there and let me.
just beat the game a few days ago. didn't know he could die
Great content. Will definitely come back for the next. When is it coming out? Thumbs Up 👍
So glade I still have my quick hacks, Turning my enemies against there friends. It’s like , Your not alone on the field of battle
change the name of the video man c'mon… you spoiled this shit for me
Doesn't matter if you save him or not, you'll get only one call and one text. Done for the rest of the game lol (dunno if he appears in the arasaka ending since I chose the secret suicide one.)
Now this is superb! More like this CDPR , less guidance and hand holding!
Oh word I didn't know he actually dies. My first play through I just double jumped back up through the holes and killed all the guards
i love you🎀💐
Easier way is to just double jump 2 floors and help him fight immediately, no sneaking, no tactics, just instinct and mayhem. I suggest a shotgun with a decent magazine for this, as well as a machete, you jump in, fire everything you have, finish with machete, then reload and fight through the rest of them alongside Takemura