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How to Cheat in Arena Fights in Cyberpunk 2077 Using Weapons and get Gold Vehicle prize near Heywood. Normally, you are not able to use weapons when you accept “Fight” Side Jobs from Fred Coach (like Beat on the Brat: The Glen). However, by depositing melee weapons on the arena floor before accepting the challenge, you can equip the weapon during the fight and use it while the opponent only uses bare hands. Video shows how to do it without needing any special Cyberpunk 2077 cybernetic implants, but a good melee weapon like a Legendary Katana is very useful. Video shows how to easily defeat the Champion of the Glen opponent: Cesar Diego Ruiz, and get his $4000 Eddies “Golden Car” Prize: ALVARADO V4FC 580 “VATO”. Gameplay of Cyberpunk 2077 on PlayStation 5 (PS5).
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I let them keep eddies too , In the final beat the brat gig if you didnt kill othere brats he and the twins will greet and watch V's final fight .
The colby at the filming set at the southern east side of the map out in the badlands is maybe easiest car to aquire no gig , danger or enemys to fight just get into the colby its not fast but is good suspension for both off road and on street use.
WTF? Seriously. Just get some Gorilla arms and beat his punk ass down.
Very sweet ride lol. I want one in RL lol.
i told him to keep the car i keep the eddies, i beat him with my survival horror tactic background…
Interesting idea, you always come up with nice tricks for Cyberpunk indeed. Tho I actually just beat this guy faster with my gorilla arms modification and by being max level before the fight so… Getting the car and letting them keep the money for the baby was easy
To beat this I've jumped to an air conditioner close to the fight and started spamming those laser grenades and then started the fight, as soon as it starts his health started draining.
I let him keep the car and eddies (I don't like the car, and 4,000 eddies is crap) and later on he messaged me about his child being born (showed a pic) and then asked me how his car was doing. Error by gamemakers. Guess they didn't think anyone wouod let him keep the car or incompetence like with much of the game.
Easy way to Fight Arena side jobs using melee weapons trick
Get Golden Vehicle as the prize for Beat on the Brat: The Glen
He suggests naming the baby with a "V" name, and iirc, they go with something completely different.
Good video but u gotta use better katanas bro lol