How To Get All Legendary Armor Crafting Specs Locations (Cyberpunk 2077)

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In this video I show you all how to get every legendary armor spec in the game. And I also show you which vendors are the ones that sell each crafting spec. Hope this video helps you out!







22 thoughts on “How To Get All Legendary Armor Crafting Specs Locations (Cyberpunk 2077)”

  1. I play on xbox and I was able to find the legendary crafting specs a separate time other than my first time in the shop. I was skipping days to refresh the inventory and it popped up. Maybe you have to wait an in game month before the specs come back?

  2. It's been broken since launch. you can skip time as long as you never talk to the clothing vendor keeping their inventory safe from the bug. Advice is to never talk to a clothing vendor until STreet crd 50 and crafting to be leveled to 18. Individual skill 18, not the attribute so you have all possible crafting specs available. This bug triggers even when your story skips time " wait till." Resist the urge to talk to any clothing shop and go to the numerous legendary drop locations for your clothing loot.

  3. Great as if acquiring crafting recipes wasn't a pain in the arse already(especially mod recipes)
    This is literally a game breaking bug for my techie build especially since I've already visited most vendors desperately looking for mod recipes…

  4. Very helpful. Thanks. I really hope either they patch the bug or someone finds a better work around than reloading before the first time you visit the vendor, as it's already too late for a lot of saves 🙂

  5. Hey zKarma I think I found what cause the bug that prevents you from getting quickhacks from access points. I was getting them regularly UNTIL I crafted a couple of legendary quickhacks. From there on I never got free quickhacks from access points ever again

  6. All in all, I’d recommend that new mod for PC users that makes all equipped clothing automatically become legendary with the appropriate amount of slots.

    Because why not be powerful AND look how you want at the same time.

  7. On the Avanti shop theres also an epic hijab crafting spec which looks good on female V and also dont forget to get the epic geisha pants crafting spec to match legendary geisha top, try to get them both together with the legendaries in one roll 😉

  8. Honestly- I have been bit disappointed by amount of legendary spec clothing. Either you look great, but you wear clothes with rubbish stats, or you have great stats, but very limited options what to wear a you look rubbish. Not great in my opinion.


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