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Here is How to get a bike early for free in cyberpunk 2077, the apollo scorpion bike is a good looking bike and it will help you get across the whole map in not time. Find out how you can get the free bike apollo scorpion motorcycle in the game. Also take a look at my cyberpunk cars and how to get those for free. #cyberpunk2077 #cyberpunk #laserbolt
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Right after this cutscene, it sent me to the sunset motel. And after that, there was no bike in sight. Any ideas on what I'm doing wrong?
Fuck me, how do you stretch 30 seconds of content all the way to 13 minutes.
Bro wtf the mission cost 15000 to start so the bike is not free
There’s an actual motorcycle brand called apollo
How is the driving physics compared to GTA V?
How do I get this mission I don't have that mission available in the map. Im only level 4 and 6hrs into gameplay. Do I just keep on levelling up?
You look like the missing member of Green Day 😆
i got it free as a corpo, but dont know where is it same for jackies bike
I did that cant find the bike where is it after the mission ends…
Actually you can get Jackie’s bike earlier than that. And it’s actually free. Easy mission. (Not to give any spoilers) Just make sure to do mama wells side mission after you wake up at the start of act 2. You will get it as soon as you leave your apartment. It’s called HEROES
Funniest thing is I think the point where my car was wrecked in the game there was a glitch because I was able to call my car while it was "in the shop" np😂
You sound like you are writing an english essay trying to pad out 5 extra pages.
I can't imagine that you were saying 'very early in the game' …. I finally have that mission after playing 35 hours…
I mean jackie's bike?? That's literally a free bike extremely early in the game and probably the earliest and easiest to get. Quite a few smart weapons also dropped really early for me by enemies. The ability to use them too. I'm wasn't even trying to grind or level up either. In fact I was able to use them by completing the mission that was left incomplete bc lockdown needed to end. All for free. Those are much faster than the methods in this video but the variety is nice
WTH! You get a new ride for FREE no spoilers, at the very beginning of Act 2 so why are you going around looking for a lesser ride for, unless you just want to collect it.
Thanks man
Nice I need a new bike .. my bike is burning and I dont know how to fix it 🤔 need new cars and bike I can keep in my inventory for free then I can buy when I get money
or you could just do the heroes quest right at the start of act 2 that will get you jackei's bike
The ai face is creepy as fuck id rather just not have a face showing at all
I wish you would tell us what to do first instead of ten minutes of you chatting bullshit to fill the vid
are u a gamecharackter from the game?
So I was wondering if anyone else was having this issue I have a xbox series x and was trying to acquire every vehicle in the game but when I bought the 94k variant of this bike with the storage box on the back when driving the storage box is super buggy it pretty much artifacts all over the place like in a matrix movie where things are colliding into each other and its shaking all over the place while being blurry and it only happens when you drive the bike if you stop it goes back to normal any help would be appreciated
Youtube how to leave Act 1 and find the free tiger claw bike. I have not finished act 1 and have this free bike.
You look like an ai from Detroit beyond human